Innovative applications that provide solutions to the problems created for citizens by the pandemic, have been selected in the first round of the remote innovation marathon Antivirus Crowdhackathon, which is being organised by the Region of Attica with the support of the National Documentation Centre (EKT).
Over 70 teams and 250 competitors declared an interest in participating in the marathon, while on Sunday April 5, a 5-hour long videoconference took place in which the applications in the first round of the Antivirus Crowdhackathon were presented.
EKT, an organisation that promotes knowledge, innovation and digital transformation, is supporting all rounds of the marathon, as part of its actions as the Greek Node of EIT Health, as a project partner of STARTUP3, and as co-ordinator of Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas and the Knowledge and Partnership Bridges initiative. George Megas, EKT Innovation Consultant, participated as a mentor supporting more than 5 teams , while also informing all participants about financial tools, methodologies for innovation in the health sector and technological improvements.
It is important to note that the level of applications presented is quite high and the groups and companies in the first round will continue to the 2nd, the immediate objective of which is the development and maturation of the idea to Proof of Concept (PoC) level. View video of the presentations here.
After watching all presentations, the evaluation committee proceeded to the evaluation of applications and the selection of seven (7) groups of companies that stood out in this round for their idea and implementation. The committee has created the following three (3) categories:
1st Category: PoC Ready
Groups selected were:
• Inertia
• Ικέσιος
• Panwise
• Anti.o
• Come Together
2nd Category: Roll-out Ready
Groups selected were:
• iSprinters
• Orderstate
3rd Category: Ready to fast-track
Groups selected were:
• Omnis
• Covilisation
The Antivirus Crowdhackathon, which is being implemented with the technical and operational support of Crowdpolicy, has developed into a long-term technological innovation network that will operate continuously throughout the pandemic using collaborative tools. The innovation marathon will be repeated every 2 weeks. It is being supported by the Ministry of Digital Government, the Ministry of Culture and Sport and the General Secretariat of Sports, the Athens Medical Association, several municipalities and over 30 public bodies and companies.