
EKT is participating in the European funded project OPERAS-D

03.04.2017OPERAS-D (Design for Open Access Publications in European Research Areas for Social Sciences and Humanities) is a Horizon 2020 funded project that will in turn support the five main partners (core group) of the OPERAS network in the development of a European e-infrastructure for open access publications in the SSH. ScienceResearchCultureDigital Content

Summer School for Ancient Greek and Roman Numismatics

16.03.2017The Summer School for Numismatics is intended not only for undergraduates, postgraduate students and PhD candidates in History, Archaeology and Art History, historians and archaeologists, but also individuals with a special interest in numismatics.CreativityEducationScienceCulture - discover open digital content provides a way to search across EKT’s aggregated content. The content comes from a variety of culture and science Greek repositories and digital collections and has been created and digitized with public funding.EducationCultureDigital Content

‘Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece’ - a welcome addition to EKT’s eJournals platform

07.03.2017The annually published ‘Bulletin’ contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and information resulting from the research activities, which have mainly been conducted in Greece, of Greek and foreign scientists. It first appeared in 1953 and included 14 scientific papers. ScienceResearchDigital Content

EKT is participating in the European funded project HIRMEOS

08.02.2017HIRMEOS focuses on monographs as a significant mode of scholarly communication in the SSH.ScienceResearchCultureDigital Content

Hellenic Innovation Forum 2017: A multi-conference for Applied Innovation

13.01.2017The organizers aspire to establish the “Hellenic Innovation Forum” (HIF17) as a permanent platform for the promotion of innovation and the development of partnerships and synergies between the members of the triangle: “State Officials – Academic & Research Community – Corporate World”.Entrepreneurship ResearchInnovation

Towards an Athens Comprehensive Cancer Center (ACCC)

13.01.2017The symposium was implemented in the framework of collaboration between the National Hellenic Research Foundation, the German Information Center in Athens (DAAD) and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ).ScienceResearchTechnology

Increase in key Research and Development indicators for expenditure and personnel in Greece

17.11.2016The country’s R&D expenditures have shown an upward trend in recent years. In 2015 R&D expenditures amounted to 1.64 billion euro compared to 1.49 billion in 2014 and 1.39 billion in 2011. ResearchInnovation

euroCRIS meeting in Athens: Towards optimal Research information Infrastructures

04.10.2016The event is for researchers and others interested in research infrastuctures based on Information and Communications Technologies (CRIS, digital repositories and journals) or involved in management and dissemination of research and innovation.ResearchTechnologyDigital Content

Intale: A digital assistant for small shop owners

20.09.2016With support from the Enterprise Europe Network and the National Documentation Centre, a partner of the Greek node of the Network, Intale has grown and is currently eyeing foreign markets.Entrepreneurship InnovationTechnologyFunding


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