EIT Health is organising the RIS Innovation Call 2021 competition for the third year in a row, in order to support new ideas in the field of healthcare, implemented by innovative teams in the most developed regions of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, including the many promising Greek start-ups.
Each selected project receives funding, guidance, networking opportunities and gains access to the network of the top 'players' in healthcare in Europe, so that creative groups develop their innovative solutions. Over the last two years, six new start-ups from Romania and Slovenia, four from Italy, Portugal and Croatia, and one from Estonia, Slovakia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania were funded.
Businesses and organisations interested in participating in the competition can submit their application until November 15, 2020 here, if they meet the following conditions:
• They have entered into a partnership with an enterprise (compulsory) and at least one other associate (academic institution, research institution or healthcare unit).
• The main partner should have a branch in the NUT2 area, where one of the nodes of the EIT Health is located. In the case of Greece, the co-ordinator is located in Attica.
• Proposed solutions should be at a certain level of maturity according to the CIMIT model: The selected projects should have strictly passed the IML 2 (Idea) stage and entered the IML 3 (Proof of Concept) stage at least in 2 of the 4 sectors).
Solutions should be included in the key focus areas selected by EIT Health:
• Reforming Care Pathways
• Healthcare Transformation
• Harnessing Real-world Data
• Bringing care home
• Health in the Workplace
• Fostering Healthier Lives
Each funded project receives a total of up to 75,000 euros for further development of the innovative product or service, with a maximum amount per partner not exceeding 25,000 euros.
Note that those who have received funding from the respective calls of 2017, 2018, 2019, as well as those who have received funding from the programmes InnoStars Awards, European Health Catapult, EIT Health Headstart, Startups Meet Pharma and Bridgehead funding for the above years can not submit a proposal.
See more about the call and be sure to attend the online information seminar on 26/10/2020, 11:00 am (Greek time) by following the link. For further information contact Giorgos Megas(email: megas@ekt.gr, 210 220 4921), or EIT Health Innostars InnoStars.ris@eithealth.eu.
About RIS Innovation Call
The goal of RIS Innovation Call is to fund a dynamic, balanced, and high-quality project portfolio from local academic institutes, research teams, and small and medium-sized enterprises.The new projects will also receive support from EIT Health nodes in each country, as well as local organisations supporting the development of regional ecosystems: Asociatia INIT ,Freshblood HealthTech Community in Romania, University of Porto in Portugal, Ljubljana University Incubator in Slovenia, Consorzio Arca in Italy, University of Zagreb in Croatia, DEX Innovation Center in the Czech Republic, Riga Stradins University in Latvia and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, National Documentation Centre (EKT) in Greece.
About EIT Health
EIT Health is a non-profit organisation and one of the largest European public-private partnerships in the field of health innovation. Composed of around 150 partners, EIT Health is a unique European network of leading companies, universities, research and development centres, as well as hospitals and institutes. The role of EIT Health is to build an ecosystem that will allow the development of healthcare for the future, so that European citizens can live longer and healthier. The National Centre for Documentation and Electronic Content is the EIT Health hub in Greece.