'Enhancing Gender Equality and the Gender Dimension in Research and Innovation’ is the title of an event being organised by the National Documentation Centre (EKT), on 20 June 2019, at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (L.Zervas Amphitheatre, 48 Vassileos Constantinou Avenue 11635, Athens). It is being held as part of the European project GENDERACTION, the objective of which is to enhance gender equality and the integration of the gender dimension in research at European level.
The She Figures Report 2018 – which provides the main source for comparative statistics at European level - noted that although there is an improvement in the representation of women in research, the rate of improvement remains slow, with the potential of women not achieving full recognition. The percentage of women at senior levels of academic and research staff has increased, while the gender dimension has been incorporated in research in a better way in Europe in relation to the global indicator. At the same time though, the number of women who innovate remains low, the ‘glass ceiling’ (with a concentration of women in low academic levels) still exists, along with factors that enhance the retention of stereotypes, highlighting the need for further action.
Recognising the importance of promoting change through systematic and co-ordinated actions, the event will provide a forum for dialogue and exchange of best practices and experiences on gender issues. The event will explore issues relating to the design, implementation and monitoring of policies for gender equality in institutions and research funders. Additionally, the role research funders play in the integration of the gender dimension in research and innovation will be examined. Finally, the round table discussion will include the participation of representatives of European organisations who will highlight ways and tools to support gender equality at European level.
The event targets representatives from universities, research centres and research funders, executives at institutions concerned with gender equality and research experts who specialise in gender issues and young researchers. The event will be in English. Further details on the event and registration are available on the event page. The event will be broadcast live at http://media.ekt.gr/live.
The GENDERACTION project and EKT’s role
The GENDERACTION project supports the creation of an innovative policy community to implement the gender priority in the ERA. Following the recommendations of the European Research Area in relation to gender, it measures progress at European level and provides recommendations to member states and the European Commission. EKT participates as a partner in actions to map policies for gender, and the organisation of mutual learning events.
EKT actions for the participation of women in research
EKT has actively supported the enhancing of women's participation in the European Research Area since 2007, with specific actions under national and European projects. Following extensive mapping of Greek women researchers through the project ‘Mapping the Scientific Area of Greek Women Research Personnel’ and participation in the European projects GENDERA and SHEMERA. EKT is currently participating as partner in the European project GENDERACTION, and it was the official representative for the Greek statistics in the ‘She Figures 2018’ publication. At the same time, EKT supports research into gender equality through its actions as National Contact Point of Horizon 2020.
In the near future EKT will release a special publication including information on the involvement of researchers in academia and business, as well as their participation in European and national funded projects. This publication will be complementary to the European publication ‘She Figures’ and will provide a deeper analysis of the relevant dimensions at national level.