The "Trend, Technology & Policy Radar" report, delivered by STARTUP3, analyzes the project as an acceleration program. It studies and analyzes how the co-operation, between the European Union and SMEs as well as start-ups, can be achieved in the easiest way. It also highlights the ways and activities of policy support for STARTUP3 stakeholders, as they are based on pan-European regulations and market needs while we will share what we learned through the project. Opportunities, requirements and challenges. The ultimate goal of this action and STARTUP3 project’s in general, is to create links between corporate companies and start-ups.
You can download the "Trend, Technology & Policy Radar" brief here.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT), a public interest body overseen by the Ministry of Digital Governance, is actively involved in the STARTUP3 project consortium, which is funded by Horizon 2020 and is part of the pan-European initiative Startup Europe For Growth & Innovation Radar. At the same time, it supports Greek companies that develop innovative solutions in various fields, from Artificial Intelligence and cyber security to geo-surveying and biotechnology, with the aim of their networking globally and taking advantage of funding opportunities and consulting services.