The National Documentation Centre (EKT) is launching a new publishing partnership with the Hellenic National Bioethics Committee with the publication of the ejournal 'Bioethica'. The journal, first published in March 2015, has transitioned to a new digital form and will now be issued electronically with Open Access through the eJournal platform of EKT's ePublishing service.
The aim of the journal is to inform and facilitate the exchange of views and knowledge between scientistswith great theoretical or practical interest in matters relating to Bioethics across all disciplines. To achieve this goal, the journal publishes articles, original papers and reviews in Greek or the main European languages.
The journal's wide range of interesting themes covers all aspects of modern bioethics: patient / doctor relations, euthanasia, human reproduction issues, clinical research, genetics and biological research, gene therapy, biobanks, neuroscience, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, management biological resources, ethics of scientific research, animal welfare, "improvement" physical and mental human skills, patents in biology and biotechnology, etc.).
Hellenic National Bioethics Commission
The Hellenic National Bioethics Commission is an independent advisory body of experts, advising any public authority either on its own initiative or on request. Its mission is to highlight the interaction of life sciences and contemporary social values. In particular, the Commission investigates the ethical, social and legal aspects that arise from scientific advances in biology, biotechnology, medicine and genetics; outlines, in collaboration with the respective ministries, proposals of general policy and provides specific recommendations on related issues;collaborates with international organisations and related bodies and represents Greece in international fora, and nforms the public on issues related to biotechnological advances and the impact of their applications promoting public awareness and dialogue. The Commission has also the responsibility to co-ordinate other relevant committees at a national level.
Publishing partnership with EKT
Under the partnership agreement between the two organisations, EKT provides the infrastructure for the electronic version of the journal and the Hellenic National Bioethics Commission is responsible for the scientific editing of the content. To date, the eJournals platform of EKT's ePublishing service hosts 39 high quality scientific journals and provides a single publishing environment and open access to reputable content, enhancing academic communication and research activity.