Three new scientific journals of educational content are available on the website of the eJournals publishing service developed by the National Documentation Centre (EKT). The eJournals publishing environment was entrusted by the Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEA), the Institute of General and Special Education Studies and Research, the Panhellenic Federation of Special Education Staff Associations and the Pedagogical Department of Elementary Education of the University of Ioannina to publish and make available their scientific journals electronically.
The eJournals service for publishing and hosting journals is addressed to scientific publishers, academic and research institutions of the country, folklore institutions and cultural organisations that choose to make their scientific output available with Open Access. Through this specific service, co-operating publishers can create a new scientific journal from the start and transfer their publishing activity to a new upgraded and continuously evolving electronic environment. To date, 70 journals and more than 18,000 articles are available on the eJournals publishing website.
Through the online environment of the scientific journal ‘ADULT EDUCATION Critical Issues’, published by the Hellenic Adult Education Association, interested parties can find articles that contribute to the promotion of the ideas and principles of adult education.
The journal ‘Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education’ from the Institute for Studies and Research of General and Special Education (I.M.E.G.E.E.) and the Panhellenic Federation of Special Education Staff Associations (P.O.S.E. E.P.E.A.) aspires to cultivate fruitful reflection, awareness, promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge in matters of educational, counselling and therapeutic support for all levels of general and special education.
The journal ‘Educational Science Issues’ published by the Pedagogical Department of Elementary Education of the University of Ioannina is a means of exchange of ideas and interaction among the members of the larger community of Educational Sciences.
EKT’s three new publishing partners, the Scientific Association of Adult Education, the Institute of General and Special Education Studies and Research, the Panhellenic Federation of Associations of Special Education Staff and the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina, develop their publishing activities through the upgraded electronic environment of EKT’s eJournals service. EKT provides the specific institutions with the necessary infrastructure for the electronic distribution and hosting of their publications, while the publishing partners are responsible for the scientific editing and publishing process of the content.
The ‘ADULT EDUCATION Critical Issues’ journal refers to the field of Adult Education and is published by the Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEA). which since 2004 has been a vibrant community of research and practice of Adult Education both in Greece and internationally.
Two issues a year are published and articles are published in Greek and English after they have passed an anonymous, double evaluation by the members of the Scientific Review Committee, which consists of leading scientists, scholars and academics from the international and Greek community of Adult Education.
The key term Critical Issues reflects the strategic goal of developing a critical dialogue between researchers and educators in the field of Adult Education regarding critical issues that challenge stereotypes and possibly remain open questions, given the ambiguity of their controversial or underdeveloped approach in the literature.
As an example, articles may focus on:
- redefining or critically evaluating problematic views, theoretical approaches or social phenomena,
- challenging taken-for-granted perceptions or practices,
- exploring diverse, alternative, controversial or opposing views,
- exploring overlooked or undervalued views that are nevertheless interesting and challenging.
Thus, the journal contributes to promoting the ideas and principles of Adult Education with an emphasis on critical reflection and learning for change. On this basis, the six articles of the first issue refer to epistemological questions and critical evaluation of theoretical approaches, to research, good practices and proposals on critical issues related to transformative processes and critical approaches in education, society, work and related policies with the field of Adult Education.
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education
The e-journal of I.M.E.G.E.E. and P.O.S.E.P.E.A, ’Interdisciplinary Approaches to Education’ gives teachers the opportunity to present their important educational and support work, innovative actions and research studies on issues mainly on special education. In this way the journal hopes to contribute to the common goal of an education that meets the needs and abilities of all.
The current issue of the electronic scientific journal of I.M.E.G.E.E. is thematically dedicated to Support Services in Education by Special Education and Special Support Personnel, as they were presented, analysed and discussed at the Online Scientific Conference on the topic: ‘Support Services in Education by Special Education and Special Support Personnel: Responding to the Challenges of the Times‘ co-organised by SEEPEA ATTICA and IMEGEE, under the auspices of POSEEPEA and held on Saturday, December 5, 2020.
The articles that are published are based on the recorded opinions of the members of SEEPEA Attica by specialty and constitute important research material that can form the basis for a qualitative study and the submission of scientifically substantiated proposals to improve the services provided for students with special educational needs or disabilities. The issue of the operation of special education, training and support structures, given the experience to date of the contribution of each speciality of Special Education Teachers, along with the new developments and structures that are already operating in the context of inclusive education and the necessary support of vulnerable students in general education structures, is, at this time, the priority of the educational community.
Educational Science Issues
‘Educational Science Issues’ is a prestigious scientific journal published by the Pedagogical Department of Elementary Education of the University of Ioannina. The journal is a means of exchange of ideas and interaction among members of the larger community of Educational Sciences. Original papers from all fields related to Educational Sciences are published in ‘Educational Science Issues’. Papers include theoretical analyses, literature reviews, empirical studies, innovative pedagogical approaches, teaching models, teaching techniques and applications in education.
In addition, the journal includes yearbook issues of the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the University of Ioannina. Research, scientific, development and educational work of the Department is presented in this section of the journal.
The first issue of the journal contains seven articles evaluated by members of the Pedagogical Department of Elementary Education of the University of Ioannina. More information about the journal’s editorial and scientific board is available here.
The project
The development of the ePublishing platform and related electronic publishing services began in 2007 and concerns the publication and distribution of electronic journals, conference proceedings and monographs/books. They are constantly evolving for the benefit of publishers and users. Currently, the technological upgrade and expansion of ePublishing with new documented actions is being carried out by EKT within the framework of the ‘National Information System for Research and Technology: Infrastructure for the Aggregation, Documentation and Dissemination of Digital Content ensuring interoperability, long-term preservation and open access’, which is implemented under the ‘Public Sector Reform & Operational Programme (ESPA 2014-2020) and is co-financed by the European Union - European Regional Development Fund and national resources. It is in this context that EKT’s ePublishing platform is being upgraded and expanded, offering publishers new functionalities that facilitate their administrative tasks and users upgraded services for more efficient search and finding of digital material.