The third cycle of 'Real Skills for Scientists' webinars, which will focus on Humanities, is being organised for January 2021 by the National Documentation Centre (EKT) as part of the initiative 'Knowledge and Partnership Bridges' in collaboration with REAL Science and the Cyprus Research and Innovation Foundation. The first two successful cycles, covering the fields of Life Sciences and Informatics, were attended by more than 3,000 people from 35 different countries, while 24 distinguished scientists and professionals participated.
The 'Real Skills for Scientists-Humanities' webinars are aimed at undergraduate and postgraduate students, doctoral candidates, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, as well as young researchers of all scientific fields, degrees and career stages. Participants will have the opportunity to meet online and chat with accomplished scientists from Greece and abroad who will share their own career experiences.The speakers come from both academia and business.
The common theme running throughout all the seminars is the development of skills for the professional employment of young scientists and researchers, such as the creation of a suitable curriculum vitae, volunteer work, parallel fields of study to strengthen their research/scientific profile, writing research proposals, finding funding, research activity through scientific publications, useful networking tips, etc.
The third cycle of seminars includes the following three webinars:
• Thursday 14 January 2021: Creating, enhancing CVs
• Thursday 21 January 2021: Funding, job opportunities
• Thursday 28 January 2021: Networking, creating communities
Participation is free, however pre-registration is required using the entry form here. More information about the speakers for each seminar will be announced soon. For further information you can send an email to events@ekt.gr
National Documentation Centre (EKT)
EKT, supervised by the Ministry of Digital Governance, has a co-ordinating role in the 'National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs'. In collaboration with reputable organisations and in constant dialogue with the educational, research and academic community, EKT develops infrastructure and services, promoting knowledge, research and innovation in the digital space. It is also the co-ordinator of the 'Knowledge and Partnership Bridges' initiative for the networking and collaboration of Greek scientists and researchers around the world.
R.E.A.L. Science
R.E.A.L.Science is a professional advocacy platform for schools and universities in which Greek Volunteer Scientists from Greece and around the world participate. The head and creator of this voluntary action is the neuroscientist Dr. Eleni Sinopoulou, who works at the University of California, San Diego, USA.
Research and Innovation Foundation
The Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) is the national body responsible for supporting and promoting research, technological development and innovation in Cyprus. Its mission is to shape the conditions that favour the development of research, technology and innovation in Cyprus.Through innovative actions and programmes, it strengthens the domestic ecosystem of research and innovation, contributes to strengthening the competitiveness of the Cypriot economy and develops co-operation and interconnection with the international research and business community.