On Thursday 5 July 2018 (09.30-16.00), visitors to the grounds of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) will be able to take part in the open information event ‘Examples of Modern Scientific Research’. Through interactive experiments, visitors will be able to learn about the findings of the European Research Council (ERC) research projects into the relationship between science and the senses and their potential impact on our lives. The event is being jointly organised by the Ellinogermaniki Agogi, which is the Greek partner for the European project ERC=Science², and the National Documentation Centre (EKT).
The way someone understands the world is rather more complex than we think. Have you ever wondered if we can ‘see’ with our ears, ‘feel’ sound or explore new channels of perception which will change our everyday experiences? For example, could we train our internal compass so as to enable us to find our bearings more easily and, if so, how could we do this? Could a person acquire new senses? ‘Yes seems to be the answer according to the researchers from the European Research Council, who have been working for years on these questions. The mysteries of our senses are being unravelled, helping us to ‘see’ with our ears, feel sound and explore new channels of perception. Their knowledge is already being used in many applications such as robotics, wearable technologies and 9-D applications ( 9-D television and theatre).
During the event, in a specially designed area on the forecourt of the NHRF (48, Vas. Kon/nou, Athens), visitors will be able to experiment with perception games, or discover which parts of our brain are connected to which senses. In addition, personnel of EKT, which is National Contact Point for European Research Council programme under Horizon 2020, will be on hand to inform visitors about the funding opportunities that ERC offers Greek researchers to implement frontier research. The event is open to the public free of charge and is for adults, families and children over 10.
ERC= Science² showcases the findings of scientific research
The information event will be supported by the ERC=Science², which is financed by the European Research Council, ERC and co-ordinated in Greece by the Ellinogermaniki Agogi. As part of the ERC=Science² project, more than 75 ‘narrative’ events have been programmed in a number of countries and languages. These events are being held at science and natural history museums, zoos and aquaria, schools, universities and research bodies throughout Europe.
This Europe-wide communication campaign aims to stimulate public interest in science, highlight scientific research funded by the programme, stir interest in science, raise awareness of the ERC as a science power, build broader political and societal support for the ERC – and encourage grant applications from a new generation of researchers, especially in countries under-represented among ERC grantees.
The project is co-ordinated by the organisation Science Business, with the participation of universities, science museums and information providers in 37 European countries. Among the organisations taking part is the European Network of Science Centres and Museums (Ecsite), Ciéncia Viva- the Portuguese National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture, the University of Zagreb and the University College Cork. The project is being implemented in Greece by the Ellinogermaniki Agogi.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT), as Horizon 2020 National Contact Point for a number of individual programmes (such as ERC), supports the Greek academic, research and business communities in their participation. It covers all stages of the research project, from preparation of a proposal to implementation and exploitation of research results. EKT’s services include: Information and Advisory Services, Helpdesk, Development and Handling of informational material, Organisation of events and seminars, Partner search for joint ventures and the publication of statistical data and performance indicators.