
InnoHealth Forum and Match4Health: EKT supports developments in digital transformation in health

11.10.2023EKT organised the Match4Health networking event as part of the InnoHealth Forum 2023, and participated in the Exhibition with presentations, panel coordination and as an exhibitor.ScienceEntrepreneurship ResearchDigital Transformation

A continent of craft now on Europeana website, thanks to the CRAFTED project

09.10.2023A celebration of European craftwork is now on the Europeana website, thanks to the recently completed CRAFTED project. CreativityCultureDigital Content

3rd Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival: Scientific activities, experiential events and creative culture

06.10.2023The 3rd Kastellorizo Puzzle Festival holds many surprises for its visitor.CreativityEducationScienceCulture

Discover the Parthenon frieze through interactive games

26.09.2023The digital games ‘The colours of the frieze’ and ‘god, man, animal’ invite children and adults to get to know a unique work of art in a creative way.EducationCultureDigital Content

High performance of Enterprise Europe Network in Greece

21.09.2023EKT, a founding member with a coordinating role in the Greek consortium Enterprise Europe Network Hellas, supports small and medium-sized enterprises with potential for innovation and extroversion Entrepreneurship Innovation

Dynamic presence and high performance of Greek organisations and businesses in Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation

10.07.2023Greece ranks 7th in approved projects and funding in Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022, according to a new EKT publication.ResearchInnovationFunding

Cultural geography on

04.07.2023Great participation in EKT’s successful webinar about the discovery of content on interactive maps, a new functionality of CreativityEducationCultureDigital Content

The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens DigComp 2.2 available in Greek

04.07.2023With the aim of maturing a national reference framework for the digital competence of citizens, the Greek version of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens DigComp 2.2 is now available in Greek. EducationDigital Transformation

Soft Skills and career prospects of young scientists at the heart of the 6th Cycle of ‘Real Skills for Scientists - Engineering Sciences’

19.06.2023Six distinguished speakers from the academic and business world of Greece and abroad gave useful advice to young Greek and Cypriot scientists in the field of engineering sciences. EducationEntrepreneurship ResearchFunding

Collaborations between hospitals and startups for innovative pilot projects

16.06.2023Hospitals and startups that participated in the first cycle of the SymbIASIS project shared their experiences.ScienceEntrepreneurship ResearchInnovationTechnology


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