The state of the innovation system in Greece in 2022, as well as important longitudinal data on the dimensions of the innovation system over the period 2015-2022, as they result from the analysis of the European Innovation Scoreboard indicators, is captured in the new publication ‘The position of Greece on the European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2022’ from the National Documentation Centre (EKT). EKT has analysed these innovation indicators in the context of its role as the competent National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System which produces and provides the official national statistics on Research, Development and Innovation.
Innovation has a central role in improving living standards, and has the ability to influence individuals, institutions, entire economic sectors and countries in complex ways, since it now plays an increasingly important role in the daily lives of citizens around the world.
The European Commission's annual report European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) is a strategic tool that approaches innovation from a systems perspective, and is constitutes a framework for measuring important systemic factors that are assessed, evolving and expanding. It provides a comparative and synthetic analysis of research and innovation performance for EU Member States. Its aim is both to provide a macroscopic mapping of the scope of innovation in Europe, and to support the design and implementation of innovation-related policies and strategies.
The European Commission's annual report European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) is a strategic tool that approaches innovation from a systems perspective, and constitutes a framework for measuring important systemic factors that are assessed, evolving and expanding. It provides a comparative and synthetic analysis of research and innovation performance for EU Member States. Its aim is both to provide a macroscopic mapping of the scope of innovation in Europe, and to support the design and implementation of innovation-related policies and strategies.
Total EIS Innovation Performance 2022
The European Innovation Scoreboard comprises four categories of activities and captures 12 dimensions of innovation through a total of 32 different sub-indicators. Based on the value of the Summary Innovation Index (SII), for 2022 data, Member States are classified in four different innovation performance categories:
- Innovation Leaders
- Strong Innovators
- Moderate Innovators
- Emerging Innovators
For 2022, Greece continues to be included in the Countries with Moderate Innovation Performance.
Greece - EIS Innovation Performance (2022)
According to data, the strengths of Greece's innovation system (in 2022) are:
- Product innovators,
- Innovative SMEs cooperating with others,
- Employment in innovative enterprises,
- Sales of innovative products,
- Business process innovators.
Conversely, Greece's Innovation system (in 2022) weaknesses are the following:
- Foreign doctorate students,
- Lifelong learning,
- Employed ICT specialists,
- Government support for business R&D;
- Medium and high-tech goods exports.
Greece – Evolution of EIS Indicators over time
In addition, it is interesting to observe the evolution of the values of the EIS indices for Greece through longitudinal data. There has been a steady increase at a particularly intense pace in the value of the composite SII index over the last four years.
In addition to the overall longitudinal depiction of the evolution of the composite index, it is interesting to note the evolution over time of the values of the 12 sub-dimensions of the EIS. The graphs included in the publication present the relevant indicators for Greece for the years 2015-2022, in relation to the EU average for the year 2015.
More specifically, the values for dimensions such as: Firm Investments, Innovators, Intellectual Assets, Employment Impacts and Sales Impacts follow a relatively stable upward trend.
Additionally, the past upward trend of values for specific dimensions has been halted and a balanced or downward trend has appeared in recent years. This includes dimensions such as: Human Resources, Attractive Research Systems, Use of Information Technologies, Linkages and Impacts on Environmental Sustainability
EKT's contribution to the European Innovation Scoreboard
The National Documentation Centre (EKT), as the competent National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System, produces and provides the official national statistics on Innovation, as well as on Research and Development, to Eurostat, actively contributing to the formulation of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) report of the European Commission.
EKT provides data from the Community Innovation Survey to the EIS. From this, seven result indicators used to rank countries are calculated, as well as the seven indicators describing the structural features of innovation in the Innovation profiles dimension. Statistics on R&D activities are also provides, from which 3 indicators are calculated, as well as an indicator in the Business & Entrepreneurship dimension on the structural features of innovation. The publication ‘Greece's position on the European Innovation Scoreboard 2015-2022’ has been based, in terms of text and data for the Graphs and Tables that follow, on the European Innovation Scoreboard (2022) of the European Commission, as well as on the official relevant website of the European Commission.