A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 by the Director of the National Documentation Centre (EKT) Evi Sachini and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB) and Executive Member Pantelis Tzortzakis.
HDB Vice Chairman Pantelis Tzortzakis pointed out that: 'HDB's targeted collaborations are constantly expanding. With EKT, we are widening our collaborations by supporting innovative entrepreneurship in practice through a series of actions and important networking initiatives for businesses.'
EKT Director Evi Sachini said: 'As two institutions that intervene decisively in the innovation system, we agreed to exchange know-how and to plan synergies for the benefit of development activity in the country'.
EKT and the HDB will jointly explore partnerships to support innovative entrepreneurship and business participation in networking and outreach actions. The HDB will be able to add value to public data produced by EKT (indicators, data, statistics) for the benefit of public development. In particular, it will use the public data available by EKT to better group stakeholders (eg researchers, innovative companies) by sector, identifying needs and funding gaps. It will also rely on anonymous statistical indicators and data collected by EKT to designed targeted financial products, etc. related to the Research, Development, Innovation and Digital Economy system.
Particular emphasis will be placed on shaping the conditions for accelerating the co-operation of Greek companies for the creation of international competitive schemes based on the market knowledge available from EKT. The Memorandum of Understanding provides information and business guidance actions for domestic and European financing programmes and instruments, as well as support for the utilisation of available financial instruments.
The two organisations also plan to investigate the development of a common diagnostic methodology and tools for evaluating the technological and innovative level of Greek companies. This methodology and tools can then be used by both institutions to formulate targeted actions focusing on innovation.
Hellenic Development Bank (HDB)
The main goal of the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB) (www.hdb.gr) is to promote the sustainable and holistic development of the Greek economy. The HDB's central role is to act as a springboard for businesses to access banking finance, address market failures, and to encourage targeted investment and alternative sources of financing by enhancing business competitiveness.
Aiming to formulate support policies for Business Innovation in all sectors of the economy, the HDB combines financial instruments and value-added services to offer multiple means of access to finance. At the same time, it provides tools for digital networking with international ecosystems that promote extroversion and orientation towards innovative activities.
Within the range of its activities, HDB:
• designs and creates financial tools for the optimal channeling of both national and international funds,
• promotes innovation and digital transformation,
• supports the country's businesses in their internationalisation efforts, while, at the same time, facilitating large investments in infrastructure,
• attracts funds aimed at economic and employment growth.
National Documentation Centre (EKT)
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) (www.ekt.gr) is a a non-profit Legal Entity under Private Law and is supervised by the Ministry of Digital Governance. EKT is also a Scientific Infrastructure for National Use and a National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System.
With advanced technological infrastructure, a high level of know-how and specialised scientific personnel, EKT:
• develops integrated services for linking research with production, exploiting the results of research activity, outreach and networking, developing the innovation potential of companies and research centres, and enhancing digital transformation,
• produces the country's official statistics for European Research, Development and Innovation statistics,
• conducts research, collects data and produces national statistics in the fields of science & technology and digital economy,
• develops Data Governance systems related to the research system, innovation and digital economy in order to strengthen the practice and evaluation of public policies and to support decisions,
• is the national agency for the organisation and dissemination of scientific and technological information,
• collects, documents and makes available as public data for further use authoritative digital scientific and cultural content,
• provides services for a number of Greek organisations (libraries, archives, museums) for the organisation and distribution of standardised and reputable information.