The National Documentation Centre (EKT) participated in the celebration of International Women's Day (March 8) by sending a message of awareness and constant vigilance to institutions, the research and academic community, the world of business and youth entrepreneurship. The position of women in science, research and innovation improves when policymakers study the data and promote appropriate policies and when companies recognise the need for women to participate in positions of responsibility.
Through a variety of initiatives and actions, EKT, a public interest body overseen by the Ministry of Digital Government, strengthens the position of women by promoting their equal participation in Research & Development, academia, research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
As the National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System, EKT collects data which capture the Greek system of Research, Technology, Development, Innovation (RTDI), and in this context has included statistics on women's participation in R&D in the list of national statistics which it publishes. At the same time, it is the statistical representative of the country for the European Commission's publication 'She Figures'. EKT systematically records the participation of women in the fields of research, development and innovation, both at European and national level. In addition, through its targeted publications, it contributes to the improvement of the effectiveness of public policies by highlighting the interconnection of indicators with specific policies.
The publication 'Women's participation in Research & Development in Greece. 2020 Edition', which includes detailed data and indicators, records the enhanced position of women in academia, research and business, as well as in European and nationally funded projects. However, the 'glass ceiling' is still in place, as women are still under-represented at the highest levels and in governing bodies.
Since 2007, EKT has been actively supporting the goal of equal participation of women in the European Research Area, and more generally in the areas of R&D, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, by developing a series of activities and interventions in this direction.
It has a dynamic presence in policy making at European level through its participation in the ERAC Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (ERAC SWG GRI), the advisory working group to the European Council, the European Commission and the Member States on gender issues in research and innovation. Among the topics that the working group has recently focused on are the effects of the pandemic on researchers and teaching staff, as well as sexual harassment in higher education institutions. The results of the working group have been reflected in relevant position documents.
As a National Contact Point for European research and innovation programmes, such as Horizon 2020, and as co-ordinator of the Greek node of the Enterprise Europe Network, the largest international business support network, EKT combines research, innovation and entrepreneurship expertise. providing robust and comprehensive support for women researchers and entrepreneurs, to seek financial opportunities at European and national level, to participate in European projects, to network companies and to find partners
Through the co-ordination of the European project EMPOWA, it developed a methodology for identifying innovative companies in which women are leaders. EKT is also a hub of EIT Health in Greece, supporting many start-ups in the health sector led by women scientists & entrepreneurs.
Gender Equality in Horizon Europe and the European Research Area (ERA)
Recognising that achieving gender equality requires constant vigilance, EKT actively supports national and European policies.
The following are key policy and position documents, highlighting key gender issues in Horizon Europe and the European Research Area (ERA).
• The role of funding agencies in the promotion of gender equality in R&I
• The future of gender equality in European research and innovation
• Guidelines on criteria of good practice for strengthening the implementation of ERA priority 4
• Gender as a global challenge and key driver for innovation
• Strengthening gender in the ERA
• Gender responsible rules for participation in Horizon Europe
• GENDERACTION position paer on gender in 'Horizon Europe' co-design 2021-2024 for the 1st Strategic Plan
The above documents were produced within the framework of the GENDERACTION project, a Horizon 2020 project that actively contributes to the strengthening of gender equality policies in the EU. EKT participates in the project, supporting, inter alia, the promotion of gender equality policies in Greece, the organisation of events and continuous communication and contact with policy makers.