The first cycle of online seminars on Real Skills for Scientists-Life Sciences, organised by EKT in July, included 3 webinars. The webinars targeted the developement of soft skills for the employment of young researchers and scientists.During the webinars the audience had the chance to take career advice, and to ask experienced researchers from Greece and abroad about their own experiences.
The response surpassed all expectations, as the 3 webinars were attended by some 1,000 new undergraduate and post-graduate students, doctoral candidates, post-docs, and Teaching-Research Staff, and educators from all levels from Greece and abroad.
The first cycle of the Real skills for Scientists-Life Sciences was co-organised by the National Documentation Centre (EKT) under the ‘Knowledge and Partnership Bridges’ Initiative and R.E.A.L. Science. The aim of the organisers is to implement follow-up seminars for young scientists in other scientific fields in the forthcoming autumn.
Webinars impact at a glance
1st Webinar - Enhancement of CV and skills
The series was launched on July 2nd with three Greek researchers living and working in universities and R&D departments in the United States and in the United Kingdom. Dr Eleni Sinopoulou and Dr Lina Ntokou, post-doctoral researchers at the University of California San Diego and Yale University respectively and Dr Theano Panagopoulou, a researcher in the R&D department of the Achilles Therapeutics biotechnology company based in London, gave useful advice and practical guidance on creating and enhancing CVs for both the academic and industrial sectors.
Watch the video of the 1st webinar in Greek
2nd Webinar - Networking and funding opportunities
The second seminar, which gave useful advice on job search, information on sources of funding, networking and strengthening scientific publications, took place on July 9th with the participation of Dr Antigone Dima, lead researcher at BSRC ‘Alexander Fleming’, Dr Poulikos Poulikakos, Associate Professor of Oncology at Mount Sinai Hospital's Medical School, New York, Dr Nikos Kyritsis, post-doctoral scholar in the Department of Neurological Surgery at the Brain and Spinal Injury Center of the University of California San Francisco, Dr. Irinna Papaggeli, Staff Scientist at Bayer and Dr Cristina Pascual, National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 at EKT.
Watch the video of the 2nd webinar in Greek
3rd Webinar - Q&A with experts from around the world
The third and final webinar on July 16th was dedicated to discussion with experienced researchers. Speakers included Dr Zoi Lygerou, Biology Professor at the University of Patras' Health Department and Head of Studies, Interdepartmental Postgraduate Program in Life Sciences Informatics, Dr Panayiota Poirazi , Head of Research at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB) at FORTH, Dr Manolis Roulis, Post-doctoral researcher at Yale University School of Medicine and Dr Nikolaos Papoutsidakis, Medical Affairs Manager at AstraZeneca.
Watch the video of the 3rd webinar in Greek
About the organisers
National Documentation Center (EKT)
EKT, a supervisory body of the Ministry of Digital Governance, has a co-ordinating role in the 'National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs'. In collaboration with reputable organisations and in constant dialogue with the educational, research and academic community, EKT develops infrastructure and services, promoting knowledge, research and innovation in the digital space. It is also the co-ordinator of the 'Knowledge and Partnership Bridges' Initiative for the networking and collaboration of Greek scientists and researchers around the world.
R.E.A.L. Science
R.E.A.L. Science is a professional advocacy platform for schools and universities in which Greek Volunteer Scientists from Greece and around the world participate. The head and creator of this voluntary action is the neuroscientist Dr. Eleni Sinopoulou, who works at the University of California, San Diego, USA.