The Horizon 2020 programme is nearing its completion and will be replaced by Horizon Europe (2021-2027), the EU's ambitious research and innovation framework programme, with a € 100 billion budget proposed by the European Commission. The aim of the new programme is to strengthen the scientific and technological base of the EU and the European Research Area (ERA) and to stimulate the capacity for innovation, competitiveness and employment in Europe, fully meeting the priorities of citizens and maintaining the socio-economic model.
Find out about Horizon Europe from the National Documentation Centre, a national contact point for the current Horizon 2020 programme, by filling out the registration form.
Following registration, you will receive a link to download the video (mp4) and a link to see or "download" the original programme presentation.
For further information, contact George Megas (megas@ekt.gr).
According to the preliminary structure, Horizon Europe is divided into three pillars: Excellence in Science, Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, Innovative Europe.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) operates as a National Contact Point for eleven sectors of Horizon 2020, supporting Greek organisations to participate in the programme.
Excellent Science
-European Research Centre (ERC)
-Future and Emerging Technoloies (FET)
-‘Marie Sklodowska-Curie’ Actions
-Research infrastructures
Industrial leadership
-Access to risk finance
-Information and Communication technololgies
Social Challenges
-Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
-Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
-Europe in a changing world- Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
Horizontal Programmes
-Science with and for society
EKT has extensive experience in competitive EU programmes. Since 1992 it has been a point of communication and information for European Commission-funded research projects, as well as for actions related to the exploitation of research results. Its services are intended for the entire academic, research and business community of the country. It offers Greek organisations a wide range of consulting services for the submission of proposals to Horizon 2020. Its specialised staff, with continuous training from the European Commission and the European Research Council (ERC), and in collaboration with major European research networks, provide information and support for the country's research organisations and businesses.
EKT also documents the participation of Greek research teams in the Horizon 2020 programmes, publishing special reports and studies with detailed data on the performance of Greek institutions within the European financial framework.