
'Social Policy' - The latest addition to EKT's eJournal platform

31.07.2017The journal has articles examining not only a variety of fields covered by Social Policy (employment, social security, poverty and social exclusion), but also issues related to educational policy.EducationResearchCultureDigital Content

Open Science: Critical Issues and Future Prospects

31.07.2017The high turnout along with the lively discussions that took place confirmed the increasing interest of the Greek research community and other key stakeholders in the opportunities created by open science as well as the necessity and importance of organizing similar initiatives. ScienceResearchTechnologyFunding

The new openABEKT cloud service for libraries at ELAG2017

20.07.2017OpenABEKT is a cloud based upgrade for ABEKT, the Integrated Library System developed by EKT since 1986. ABEKT has a large user base (more than 2500 libraries, museums, archives and other organizations).InnovationTechnologyDigital Content

enCOMPASS - New pilot applications to save energy in buildings

12.07.2017The main objective of the enCOMPASS project is to implement and validate an integrated socio-technical approach to behavioural change in energy saving by developing innovative user-friendly toolsInnovationTechnology

Actions and Programmes promoting Agri-food cultural heritage

29.06.2017During the workshop for Agri-food cultural heritage, in which the National Documentation Centre (EKT) participated, programmes for funding proposals in the agri-food sector were presented, as well as research experiences and ideas on planning and preparing joint research programmes to study and promote Greece’s agri-food culture.ScienceEntrepreneurship ResearchInnovationFunding

‘Entrepreneurship’ - the key topic of the Attica workshop

28.06.2017The workshop, in which the National Documentation Centre participated, discussed the strategy of the Attica region for the promotion of entrepreneurship and a production and development model to support the comparative advantages that Attica has.CreativityEntrepreneurship ResearchInnovationFunding

100m euro funding to support 69 Small and Medium innovative Enterprises

19.06.2017The funding is part of the second phase of the SME Instrument, the European Commission Mechanism for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and enables enterprises to invest in innovative activities, as well as the development of a mature business plan for their product.Entrepreneurship ResearchInnovationTechnologyFunding

The journal ‘Mediterranean Marine Science’ is available with open access on EKT’s eJournal platform

14.06.2017The journal ‘Mediterranean Marine Science’, published by The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, has published more than 600 articles on original research, announcements, biodiversity records, extended reviews, comments and special features covering all areas of oceanography, marine biology, limnology, fishing and hydrology in the Mediterranean.ScienceResearchDigital Content

Conference Proceedings ‘Greece-Europe 2020: Education, Lifelong Learning, Research, Innovation and Economy’ now available on EKT’s eProceedings platform

13.06.201751 interesting items expected to capture the attention of the national and international scientific community are available with open access on EKT’s eProceedings platform for conference proceedings.EducationResearchInnovation

Hundreds of young people learn about mobility opportunities at the Mobility Fair 2017

12.06.2017Great interest in the actions of EKT as National Contact Point Horizon 2020Education


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