The National Documentation Centre (EKT) and Google Hellas, with the support of Curious.Inc, are organising the seminar #IamRemarkable Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 16:30 at the Google Hellas facilities (Fragoklissias 7 Maroussi 15125). #IamRemarkable is one of Google's initiatives aiming to empower women by giving them the impetus to present their achievements in the workplace and beyond.
The 2 hour seminar will look at the following:
• Recognising the value of healthy self-projection and assertion of daily successes
• Participating in exercises that will help to express achievements and present yourself confidently
•Discussing and exchanging experiences and practices that will contribute to implementing what you learn.
The seminar is aimed at women who are at an early career stage or wish to boost their careers.
The number of places is limited (42 seats) and will be on a first come, first served basis.
Apply now by filling out the registration form.
About #IamRemarkable
Google initially organised seminars #IamRemarkable to strengthen its own staff. The resulting positive effects led to the sharing of this initiative with other companies and organisations.
As of July 2019, the initiative had reached 50,000 participants from 65 countries with more than 2,500 trained co-ordinators running the lab worldwide. Find out more at: https://iamremarkable.withgoogle.com/