An interactive workshop on Sharing and Circular Economies entitled ‘Sharing & Circular Economy: Do more with less’ will be held on Tuesday November 26 2019 at 17:00 by the National Documentation Centre as part of the BeShared project, with the support of Impact Hub Athens, the Sharing Economy promoter.
The event is for business representatives of Sharing and Circular Economy ventures and will be held at the Impact Hub Athens facilities (28 Karaiskaki, Athens).
The keynote speaker will be Mattia Marini (Project co-ordinator, ShareNL & Sharing Cities Alliance), an expert on the Sharing Economy and Sustainability issues. In his presentation, he aims to inspire companies on the role they can play in a new, more circular, open sharing economy with respect to the environment and society in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. Note that ShareNL is founder of Sharing Cities Alliance, a global network of ‘sharing’ cities.
Participants will have the opportunity (hands on exercise) to try out circular and/or sharing models for their own businesses.
To register click here.
On the following day, November 27, 2019, at an event to be held in Brussels, Foodity, one of the companies benefiting from the BeShared project will get the chance to develop international networking ties. Vee Bougani (CEO, Sustainable Food Movement in Greece) will present the venture to potential investors from Belgium, Italy and Spain, as well as the general public, with a view to being elected the best project and to winnig international funding. The event ‘Meet the Collaborative Economy’ will take place as part of the EU-GIVE and BeShared projects and be held at a flagship venue for the Sharing and Collaborative Economy of Belgium, La Tricoterie - Fabrique de liens.
On October 24 there was a successful workshop entitled ‘Doing business in the Sharing and Collaborative Economy’, organised by EKT at the StartupNow Forum. During the workshop examples were given of collaborative ventures and the Sharing Economy initiatives of recent years which have not only targeted existing social needs but also business sustainability.
As a partner of the Enterprise Europe Network, EKT is implementing the project BeShared: Embracing Innovation and Interconnection in the Sharing Economy, funded by the COSME programme. The project focuses on sharing best practices between sharing economy initiatives and attempts to connect innovative business models with key SMEs wishing to exploit the sharing economy so as to commercialise new products and improve existing ones.