October 14, 2019, 17:00 (Greek time) is the deadline for research proposal submission to the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) action ‘Funding Bridge for Research Projects’. The objective of this particular action is to support proposals that were rated A in the European Research Council (ERC) actions but not funded because the budget had been exhausted. The total budget for the action is 10,000,000 euros, 5,000,000 euro of which is from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) and 5,000,000 euro from the HFRI.
The funding bridge aims to improve the proposals of these scientists and keep their research work at the highest level of scientific excellence. It will last between 12-24 months with funding per project reaching up to 250,000 euros.
The action covers projects submitted to the European Research Council for the years 2017 and 2018 which are eligible for reconsideration until the available budget has been exhausted.
Through this action, research activities of universities and research centres of the country are further enhanced, and the right conditions are created for the re-submission of improved proposals and substantial funding from the ERC.
The partnership of the HFRI and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) contributes to the enhancement of research and the scientific excellence of human resources of the country and the creation of appropriate conditions for reversing the outflow of Greek scientists abroad.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) is National Contact Point for ERC Horizon 2020, providing the Greek research community with a range of integrated services. EKT helps Greek researchers to prepare their proposals and to pursue funding, and continues to support them in the implementation of their research.
EKT’s publications on the performance of Greek organisations in Horizon 2020, recently included a report on Greek participation in the ERC programming period 2014-2018. During this period, funding was allocated to 30 research projects in which 35 Greek organisations, primarily universities and research centres, participated.