With the slogan “Bridging the distance, rewarding cooperation”, the “Knowledge and Partnership Bridges” initiative is launching a new awards programme in order to promote and reward cooperation between Greeks worldwide.
The Bridges Awards, which is being held for the first time, includes two categories: “Bridges for Scientific Networks” and “Bridges for Business Partnerships”. The first category, rewards individual networks or networks in cooperation from Greece and abroad, which have shown notable results, and which include at least 15 members from around the world. The second category focuses on business ventures, in which Greeks and foreign nationals (of Greek or non-Greek origin) aim to produce products or services with impact in Greece.
The main objectives of the Bridges Awards are the encouragement and promotion of the bonds of partnership and cooperation between Greeks wherever they are located and the strengthening of the bonds between Greek or Greek origin with Greece, whether scientists, professionals or entrepreneurs living and working abroad. The development of such partnerships will result in mutual benefits, in the increased outward-orientation of Greek businesses and of their products and services, and, finally, in the creating conditions to contain the effects of the Brain Drain phenomenon.
Under the Bridges Awards 6 scientific networks and 6 business partnerships with impact in Greece will receive cash prizes.
Bridges for Scientific Networks awards:
• 1st Prize: 15.000 euros
• 2nd prize: 12.000 euros
• 3rd Prize 10.000 euros
• 3 Distinctions: 5.000 euros (per distinction)
Bridges for Business Partnerships awards:
• 1st Prize: 25.000 euros
• 2nd prize: 20.000 euros
• 3rd Prize 15.000 euros
• 3 Distinctions: 10.000 euros (per distinction)
Evaluation of award applications will be conducted by a special committee and will comprise three stages, (1) a check on fulfilment of participation conditions, (2) the evaluation of award applications, and (3) a check on the validity of the candidate’s accompanying documents.
Submission of electronic applications has been active since Friday, May 31, 2019 and will end Monday, September 16, 2019 at 17:00 (GMT). Stakeholders can find the terms and conditions for participation and submit the online application. Organizers of the Bridges Awards are the General Secretariat for Strategic and Private Investments, Ministry of Economy and Development and the National Documentation Centre (EKT).
Note that the “Knowledge and Partnership Bridges” initiative, focuses on reconnecting with the country, building activity opportunities and entering into partnerships with scientists, professionals, institutions and businesses, in supporting the creation of networking and the development of ‘bridges’ with Greeks everywhere in the world.