The OPERAS network and the European HIRMEOS project, in which the National Documentation Centre (EKT) is a partner, are organising a workshop ‘Shaping new ways to open the book’ on June 2 2019, in Marseille, as part of the 23rd International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) 2019. EKT is issuing an open invitation to members of the research community and experts in scholarly communication to participate in the panel on the following presentations to be made during the event:
- Marina Bantiou (Ionian University), Creating New Communities through Open Access.
- Samuel Moore (King’s College London), No amount of open access will fix the broken job market: publication strategies for early-career OA advocates in the humanities.
- Nelson Henrique da Silva Ferreira (University of Coimbra), Editing science: issues for achieving formal uniformity and academic criteria in the current context of Open Science.
- Erzsébet Toth-Czifra (DARIAH-EU), Towards an interactive map of Open Access book publishers.
The purpose of the meeting is to exchange views on the development of new services and tools for the future strengthening of open access publications, publication practices and open access monographs as scholarly communication.
Interested parties are requested to send their proposals by Monday 20 May 2019 (CV and short paragraph- up to 10 sentences- outlining their possible contribution to the debate) to bertino@sub.uni-goettingen.de. The invited speakers will receive funding to cover travel expenses and accommodation in Marseilles.