Young scientists and researchers participated in the event "Initiatives, opportunities and support actions for the careers of young research scientists", which was jointly organised by the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) on Thursday 21 February 2019.
During the event, Dr. Evi Sachini, Director of EKT, Sotiris Pavleas, Special Advisor General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), Yannos Mitsos, Senior Advisor Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), and Dimitris Sanopoulos, Co-ordinator of the Greek Network EURAXESS, CERTH took part in a round table discussion, focusing on strategy for tackling "brain drain" phenomenon in Greece, moderated by Dr. Vasilis Grigoriou, Director and Chairman of NHRF's Scientific Board.
Dr. Evi Sachini mentioned that the indicators, studies and surveys produced by EKT on the country’s highly-skilled personnel, contribute to policy shaping for their better utilisation, curtailment of human capital outflows and their repatriation in the long term. Moreover, she presented the "Knowledge and Partnership Bridges" initiative, which is implemented by EKT and aims to network Greek scientists, entrepreneurs and professionals abroad not only with each other but also with Greece.
Sotiris Pavleas drew attention to the support services of the GSRT, which, through the financing of the country’s Research Infrastructures and the provision of scholarships to young scientists and researchers, create career opportunities, new jobs and better working conditions for Greek researchers.
From his point of view, Yannos Mitsos, representing industry, stressed that the commercialisation of research in Greece is quite limited and we should all work intensively towards this direction.
Dimitris Sanopoulos, Co-ordinator of the Greek Network EURAXESS, CERTH, highlighted the achievements of the network in supporting foreign scientists and researchers who want to work in Greece.
The event was held within the framework of the ERA-MobilCar.GR – Horizon2020 project, and took place at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (48, Vas. Konstantinos, Athens).
About the ERA-MobilCar.GR project
The 24-month ERA Mobility and Career Day (ERA-MobilCar.GR) project aims to organise Career Days in Central Macedonia, Epirus and Thrace (Northern Greece) and Attiki (Southern Greece) which will be organised by EURAXESS. The project gives guidance and practical support to students, young and experienced researchers on how they can enhance their geographical and intersectoral mobility as well as their professional development. To achieve this, it provides mentoring and training to candidates through preparatory workshops and individual mentoring. The Mobility and Career Days allow researchers to meet in person with employers so as to obtain useful information on the recruitment of researchers by research organisations and industries. The project is co-ordinated by CERTH and involves the participation of 4 academic/research partners from the Greek EURAXESS Network: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Democritus University of Thrace, the National Research Foundation (ESF) and University of Ioannina.