The series of Public Lectures and Discussions-‘Big Data, New Media, Documentation: Learning from Pioneering Initiatives’ from the National Documentation Centre, continues with a talk by Christos Arvanitidis, Head of Research, Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) on 20 March 2019 (18.00-20.00) in the L.Zervas amphitheatre, National Hellenic Research Foundation.
In the second of this series of lectures organised by the National Documentation Centre with the support of the Interdepartmental Programme of Graduate Studies in 'Science, Technology, Society-Science and Technology Studies' National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, C.Arvanitidis will discuss ‘Big data, new media, new methods of management, analysis and interpretation: Achievements and Challenges.’
During his talk he will give examples of the achievements and challenges of managing, analysing, interpreting and disseminating big data. Additionally, he will discuss management policy, data use and the analytical applications of the Research Infrastructure LifeWatchGreece ( member of LifeWatch ERIC) before presenting three such network applications from the Research Infrastructure LifeWatchGreece:
(a) The MedOBIS Virtual Lab (MedOBISvLab) hosts, manages and shares marine biodiversity data, which feature geo- and bio-annotation and references.
(b) The Microtomography Virtual Lab (micro_CT vLab) hosts. manages, analyses and disseminates big data from the field of microtomography.
(c) The R Virtual Lab (R_yLab) has extensive environmental data and is widely used by scientists and researchers.
Christos Arvanitidis is Head of Research, Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR). His research focuses on: marine biodiversity, biodiversity infomatics, functional diversity and coastal ecosystems. He also co-ordinates the research infrastructure LifeWatch Greece and is national representative for LifeWatch ERIC He has been a member of the UN’s World Ocean Assessment Expert Group, advisor for the European Network of Marine Research Institutes and Stations, the Society for the Marine European Biodiversity Data, the editorial board of the World Register of Marine species and the scientific board of the Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale.
This series of lectures, which began on 6 December 2018 with a lecture by Andreas Fickers, aims to highlight the problems associated with Big Data, New Media and documentation.
On 10 April 2019 (18.00-20.00), the lecture will be given in English by Jürgen Neyer, Professor and Vice-President of International Affairs, Director of the Centre for the Internet and Human Rights (CIHR), European University Viadrina.
The final lecture is on 8 May 2019 (18.00-20.00) and will be given in English by William Allen, Fellow by Examination in Political and Development Studies, Madgalen College, University of Oxford, Research Officer, Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS).
The lectures will interest students, researchers, scientists across disciplines, representatives of the public and private sectors, and anyone engaged in the transformation of big data into valuable documentation. Each lecture will be followed by open discussion with the audience.
Admission is free (no registration required) and participation certificates will be given to all those attending.