24.03.2020Staying at home - working from home. Stay up to date using reliable sources.Digital Content |
23.03.2020EKT has released a new study on national R&D tax incentives for businesses which reported scientific and technological research spending in Greece.ResearchInnovationFunding |
21.03.2020Digital Solidarity against the pandemic. We are all contributing; we are all staying at home Digital Content |
17.03.2020The programme is open to startups developing solutions which will make a decisive contribution to the pharmaceutical industry and improve the health of patients suffering from chronic illnesses. Entrepreneurship ResearchInnovationFunding |
15.03.2020Users of SearchCulture can explore hundreds of models and costume designs from 1941 until the present day, more than 200 recordings of famous Greek and foreign composers, scores and an amazing collection of three-dimensional objects such as masks, jewelry, clothing and props. CreativityEducationCulture |
10.03.2020Participants will receive in-depth feedback from experienced Horizon 2020 evaluators and National Contact Points on their advanced proposal drafts. ResearchInnovationTechnologyFunding |
10.03.2020Researchers are invited to submit a video presenting their project, until 15 March.ScienceResearchFunding |
04.03.2020For clarification and guidance, contact the National Documentation Centre (EKT) the EIT Health hub for Greece Entrepreneurship Funding |
25.02.2020It is a flagship research and academic infrastructure, which will contribute, among other things, to the monitoring of climate change at national level under the Paris Climate Agreement.ResearchInnovationFunding |
21.02.2020The collection of the Averoff Gallery narrates the story of modern Greek art from the mid 19th century to the present day through 100 representative works by major painters.CultureDigital Content |