The StartupNow Forum, an Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology Forum for Startuppers, Investors, Business Executives, Employees and Organisations will be held on 23-24 November, in Elefsina. The core idea of StartupNowForum is to bring together innovative Greek ideas, local authorities and investors through the matchmaking platform of the conference, the exhibition areas and through the parallel speeches.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) will participate in the event as Community Partner, while on Saturday 25 November at 10.00 a Discussion Panel on ‘Business Support Structures’ will include Giorgos Megas, from the ‘Innovation & Networking’ unit of EKT and National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 ITC programme, who will present the advisory, networking and information services offered to new entrepreneurs by EKT as co-ordinator of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas and as National Contact Point for Horizon 2020. His presentation will highlight the challenges faced in supporting businesses and the significant impact an operational support system service, such as EKT’s, can have on their development.
The forum will include parallel events including:
• Talks and Discussion Panels made up of representatives from the business world, the political scene, investors and new entrepreneurs
• Exhibition for Startups, Venture Capitals and Enterprises for all participants wishing to present their companies
• One-to-one business meetings through a matchmaking platform
• Pitching contest for the best Greek innovation idea
The thematic areas to be covered include Fintech & Regtech, Agrotech, Tourism/Industry of experience, VCs & Crowdfunding, Environment & Energy, Healthtech, Creatrive Industries, IoT & Big Data, Smart Cities, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Logistics. Fintech & Regtech, Agrotech, Tourism / Industry of Experience, VCs & Crowdfunding, Environment & Energy, Healthtech, Creative Industries, IoT & Big Data, Smart Cities, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Logistics.
A Startup Contest for Innovation Idea and Early Stage Startup will be held during the event. The award for the 3 winners of each category will be participation in a 30-hour accelerator programme which will include: Evaluation and Development of Business Model Canvas 9specifically for participants in the Innovation Idea category), Financial Analysis and shaping a financial model for the business, Revenue Model Validation, Pitching Decks Development and Cost Analysis.
The forum is being organised by Mantis B.I., a spin out startup of the National Metsovio Polytechnic, developed under Eurobank’s EGG incubator, and the auspices of the Municipality of Elefsina, the National Metsovio Polytechnic (ESU unit) and the Piraeus Chamber of Handicrafts and the Piraeus Chamber of Tradesmen.
The National Documentation Centre is National Contact Point for Horizon 2020 and a number of its individual programmes, supporting the participation of Greek academic, research and business communities. It covers all stages of the research project, from preparation of a proposal to implementation and exploitation of research results. EKT’s services include: Information and Advisory Services, Helpdesk, Development and Handling of informational material, Organisation of events and seminars, Partner search for joint ventures and the publication of statistical data and performance indicators.
As co-ordinator for Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, the largest Greek business support network, EKT meets the requirements of Greek communities through information and support services for selected companies which exhibit dynamic qualities and exclusively target international markets through innovative technology.