The potential for specialised mentoring is a new service which is now available from the platform of the initiative ‘Knowledge and Partnership Bridges’, implemented by the National Documentation Centre (EKT). Recognising the needs of the users, the initiative is in a position to bring in new mentoring collaborations in co-operation with professionals and organisations, with experience in specific areas.
But what is mentoring? It is the informal transmission of knowledge, psychosocial support and advice on work and career development, usually face to face over a period of time, between a person considered to have more knowledge or experience than the other.
The mentor helps the ‘mentee’ to set goals and organise a plan to achieve them, by sharing their experience and knowledge. Guidance is actually more than just providing answers to questions or occasional assistance; it is an ongoing relationship of dialogue and learning. Mentoring is confidential, co-operative and helpful.
Mentoring is not so new, as it even existed in Classical Greece. However, since 1970, it has spread in the USA, primarily in the context of training, and has been described as ‘one of the innovations’.
‘Knowledge and Partnership Bridges’, having invested in networking Greeks who are active and work in different parts of the world, managed to create a robust network of professionals who have the willing and the abilities to act as mentors.
The new initiatives for networking and consultancy relate to the following:
- Women on Top and ‘Knowledge and Partnership Bridges’ presents Greek Women of the World. Greek women, participating in the ‘Bridges’ network ,who live and are active abroad, offer their services as mentors to women who live in Greece and would like to improve their professional and social life or change careers to seize opportunities and develop their unrealised potential. With enthusiasm and determination, the women participating in the ‘Greek Women of the World’, are willing to share their experience with the many Greek women throughout Greece who choose to build bridges for advancement and opportunities. If you are a woman, working or who worked for more than 3 years abroad and would like to become a mentor in the Greek Women of the World programme, find out more here. If you are a woman seeking mentoring from a woman working or who worked for more than 3 years abroad, find more details here.
- The Tipping Point has entered the lives of thousands of school children at Greek state schools. The valuable service ‘Tipping Point’ mainly targets teachers and students in secondary education, bringing them closer to scientists and professionals who can respond to queries such as the reality of studying, the potential of lifelong learning and the opportunities of modern working life. Knowledge and Partnership Bridges’ wants to ‘build bridges’ between participants of the initiative who would like to take part in counselling, Greeks abroad with vision and drive and the ‘Tipping Point’ network! Contact the ‘Tipping Point’ to get to know our mentors if you are a teacher or school principal and know that your students are looking for guidance on decisions about their future!
‘Knowledge and Partnership Bridges’ is also collaborating with the Hellenic Bioscientific Association of the USA (HBA USA), a non-profit organization promoting scientific interaction and co-operation between Greek and Greek-American bioscientists. It carries out original actions, which help students and researchers in life sciences to develop academically and professionally. Specifically, the program “Mentorship” brings together Greek and Greek-American students and researchers in Greece and the USA with Greek and Greek-American mentors from academic and business worlds in the USA.
Remember! You can register on the networking platform to find Greeks for collaboration worldwide.