Greek participation in two major International Health Brokerage Events to be held in September will be supported by the National Documentation Centre (EKT).
The first of the two events, 'Brokerage for HEALTH Challenge in Horizon 2020', is being held in Oslo (Norway) on 3 - 4 September and is being organised by Enterprise Europe Network and Health NCP Net 2.0, the National Contact Point network for Health under the European programme Horizon 2020. EKT will be providing support not only as National Contact Point for the Social Challenge, 'Health, Demographic Change & Wellbeing', Horizon 2020, but also in its capacity as co-ordinator of Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, which is the Greek node of the European network.
The event targets companies, research institutions and universities aiming to create joint ventures for the 2019 work programme -'Health 2018-2020'.
Greek businesses and organisations will have the opportunity to take part in scheduled 30-minute bi-lateral meetings, widen their contacts network, discover innovative technologies and products, learn about funding opportunities under the European Research & Innovation Programme, Horizon 2020 and find partners for joint submission of proposals to Horizon 2020 and/or the project that matches their needs.
The second of the events supported by EKT is the 'Hospital Innovation Brokerage Event', held in Estoril (Portugal) on 27-28 September. This brokerage event is organised by the Portuguese National Innovation Agency (ANI) in co-operation with Enterprise Europe Network and the European Association of Hospital managers as part of the '27th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM)'.
More than 500 professionals in hospital management are expected to attend the event, with representatives of national hospitals (public and private), as well as delegations from Germany, Greece, Belgium, Iceland, France, Brazil and China. Top experts in hospital management will be simultaneously in the same place, eager to meet and work with the creators of innovative solutions in order to explore new approaches to common challenges for the Hospital of the Future.
During the event, Greek participants will be able to talk to representatives from the health industry, research and academic groups, public organisations, international hospitals and investors in programmed 30-minute bilateral meetings
For Greeks in particular, the 'Hospital Innovation Brokerage Event' will be a unique opportunity to enhance their internationalisation, learn about priorities and essential innovations for hospital units, presentttheir most innovative projects, products or know-how to potential customers from international hospitals and public procurers of innovation in the health sector,find out who the suppliers of innovative technologies in Europe and beyond are,find new commercial and/or technological partners, or even partners for participation in Horizon 2020.
For further information contact the National Documentation Centre (Dr Christina Pascual, tel: 210 7273920, email: cpascual@ekt.gr).
The Enterprise Europe Network is the largest support network in the world for SMEs with international ambitions, having 3,000 experts from 600 organisations in more than 60 countries. The Greek node of the network is Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas and includes industrial associations, research and technological institutes, commercial and industrial chambers and prestigious entities in innovation and SMEs.
The National Documentation Centre, as co-ordinator for Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, the largest Greek business support network, supports innovative and outward-oriented Greek businesses in gaining access to new markets and funding. It provides customised services for innovation management and scaling up businesses. It gives information on European policies and enables SMEs to participate in consultations on future initiatives. The Greek network mediates approximately 100 transnational partnerships per year.