Following its recently completed conversion into an electronic publication, the Mediterranean Marine Science journal, published by the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, is accessible on the National Documentation Centre’s (EKT) eJournals platform. Thanks to their co-operation agreement, whereby EKT provides the infrastructure and HCMR the scientific content, more than 600 scientific articles are freely available online for researchers and the general public.
HCMR first issued the journal Mediterranean Marine Science in 1999 and since then it has published 18 volumes (42 issues), all of which can be searched using open access at https://ejournals.epublishing.ekt.gr/index.php/hcmr-med-mar-sc. It’s worth noting that the Impact Factor for the journal, which was already high in comparison with other internationally prestigious scientific journals, rose from 1,734 in 2013 to 1,873 in 2015.
The journal’s content includes original research, announcements, biodiversity records, extended reviews, comments and special features covering all areas of oceanography, marine biology, marine conservation, limnology, fishing and hydrology in the Mediterranean.
In addition to being able to search approximately 600 scientific articles with open access for the material that interests them, readers can learn not only how to go about submitting their work to the journal but also how to submit their work for online evaluation.
Using the EKT ePublishing platform, online visitors can carry out a unified search of its entire content, that is 7,900 articles and a great number of ebooks and conference proceedings. Initiatives taken by EKT in the area of electronic publishing have resulted from its institutional role in the collection, open availability and promotion of the country’s scientific output and the strengthening of the institute’s mission to contribute substantially to the transition to e-science. To this end, EKT ePublishing, which comprises three separate platforms for journals, conference proceedings and books-monographs, is constantly expanding its network of collaborations with prestigious scientific publishers.
The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), which comprises three research institutues : the Institute of Marine Biology, Biotechnology and Aquaculture (IMBBC), the Institute of Marine Biological Resources and Inland Waters (IMBRIW) and the Institute of Oceanography (IO), is a governmental research organisation operating under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT).
The centre’s main objectives are scientific and technological research, experimental development and the dissemination and implementation of produced results related to the fields of physics, chemistry, biology and geology. There is particular focus on the study and protection of the hydrosphere, the hydrosphere-atmosphere interface, coastal zones and sea bottoms.