The Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas, the biggest SME support network in Greece coordinated by the National Documentation Centre (EKT), will organise on May 11 2017 in Ioannina (Greece) Business to Business (B2B) meetings on the occasion of the 2nd Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). The Chamber of Ioannina, member of the Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas, is the local organiser of the event.
The B2B meetings will offer businesses the unique opportunity to meet with representatives of the European Commission, the EIB, the Network of Business Angels, Ministries and other institutions to discuss the possibility of submitting specific project ideas to the upcoming calls, and learn first-hand what the opportunities for financing are.
Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas, acknowledged for its long standing experience in providing cross border and internationalisation services to SMEs and organisations, with the support of the EEN Offices of the other EUSAIR countries (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia) is organising this half-day B2B event.
The event is intended for:
• SME's (tourist operators, agencies, farmers, producer groups, leisure sports organizations, ship-owners, marinas, yacht skippers...)
• Universities
• Chambers
• Clusters
• Other institutions and stakeholders from the Adriatic Ionian Region
The main topics of the B2B event are:
• Blue technologies
• Fisheries and aquaculture
• Seafood
• Food and drinks
• Maritime and marine governance and services
• Maritime transport
• Intermodal connections to the hinterland
• Energy networks
• The marine environment
• Transnational terrestrial habitats and biodiversity
• Diversified tourism offer
• Tourism offer (products and services)
• Sustainable and responsible tourism management (innovation and quality)
• Tourism with cross-sectorial approach: ICT, Mobility, Energy Efficiency, Health
Registration for the event and submission of cooperation profiles is open until May 5, 2017. All published profiles will be extensively promoted by the organisers of this event. You will be informed by email when you can start booking bilateral meetings, which will take place between April 26 and May 5. A few days before the event you will receive your personal meeting schedule. Participation to the event is free of charge.
The 2nd Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), jointly organised by the European Commission and the Hellenic Republic with the support of the EUSAIR Facility Point (strategic project financed under INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian Cooperation Programme 2014-2020) will take place in Ioannina (Greece), 11-12 May 2017.