The new website of the National Strategic Reference Framework (ESPA) 2007-2013 is now accessible at www.espa.gr. This new website provides users with access to overall information regarding the co-financed programmes for the actions of the new Programming Period 2007-2013. More specifically, this website provides information regarding the objectives, actions, institutional framework and the course of implementation of the National Strategic Reference Framework (ESPA 2007-2013), as well as information on sector programmes and operational programmes per se. Special sections have been created for private persons, businesses and bodies, in order to increase the usability of the website. Furthermore, a chat facility and forum have been added, enhancing the interactional potential of the website.
Users can also subscribe to the ESPA 2007-2013 electronic newsletter, which regularly monitors events related to the programmes, while the electronic archive provides access to useful documents and sources. A special section has been created for children with games and educational material, so that children may learn about Europe and have fun at the same time.
According to the Deputy Minister for Economy and Finance, Mr. Yianni Papathanasiou, ?ESPA 2007-2013 has been designed in order to bring about developments for the country and the quality of life for all citizens, without any exclusion. The internet gives us the opportunity to disseminate this message to Greek society, in an effort to reinforce a climate of transparency and offer beneficiaries a chance to get to know and benefit from the actions of the new programming period.?