Citation Index & Bibliometric Indicators Services

Our expert library staff can carry out a search for you of the Citation Index and Bibliometric indicators.

Follow these steps to use the service:

  •  Complete the printed form or online application
  •  See the list of charges
  •  See the guide on how to pay for and receive the results

The service uses the following sources:

Source Time span
Web of Science®
Producer: Thomson Reuters
Science Citation Index Expanded® 1899-today
Social Sciences Citation Index® 1956-today
Arts & Humanities Citation Index® 1975-today
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Science 1990-today
Conference Proceedings Citation Index- Social Science & Humanities 1990-today
Producer: Elsevier
Cited references: 1996 - today
Journal Citation Reports®
Producer: Thomson Reuters
Journal Citation Reports® - Science ed. Εditions: 1997-2014
Journal Citation Reports® - Social Sciences ed. Editions: 1997-2014