Georgios Margetidis

Head of sector the EU health programme in the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA)

M. Georgios Margetidis holds a degree in EU law from Paris I University (Panthéon - Sorbonne) and a post graduate diploma from the Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris, France.

He started his career in Ministerial Cabinet positions in the Greek civil service, (1996-2001) where he participated in the planning and implementation phases of innovative policies in the health sector, local government and public administration in general.

CEO of the Cancer Control Center "Aghii Anarghiri" in Athens (2001-2005) he also oversaw the planning and execution of the works for new hospital facilities (324 beds , € 54M), funded under the EU structural funds, including the tender process. After several missions as an independent consultant, covering he joined the European Commission in 2006.

Scientific project officer and then programme coordinator at the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea), he has closely followed more than 150 projects co-funded by the European Union covering key areas of public health: rare diseases, eHealth and health technology assessment; health systems reform and performance; use of structural and investment funds in the health sector.

Currently he is head of sector in the Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) where he is responsible for the implementation of the EU health programme (2021-2027, EUR 4,3 billion) including planning, operational verification, budget execution, monitoring and reporting.
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