The EUGO portal serving European citizens and businesses wishing to do business in Greece is now in operation

The Greek Point of Single Contact ( enables any interested parties to have direct access to all the information they need to do business in Greece.

The Greek Point of Single Contact portal- EUGO ( is in operational mode, as announced by the Ministry of Digital Governance. The EUGO portal is the central point of contact for the European citizens and businesses that wishes to provide their services in Greece, either through physical installation or across borders.

The portal provides complete information on the procedures to be followed, the applications to be made to the competent bodies, the possible cost of these procedures (in the form of fees or other fees) as well as the relevant legislation.

It is part of the ecosystem of the Unified Citizen Service Center and provides the user with the opportunity to be informed about the procedures he needs to do to establish a business in Greece or if it is a cross-border provision of his services, what are the corresponding procedures.

In the immediate future, the European citizen will be able to complete the procedures entirely online and from one point without the need for his physical presence in a Government Service.

The Hellenic Single Service Portal is also part of the EUGO network of Points of Single Contact (PSCs) the European Commission and is an important partner in fulfilling the purpose of creating a Single European Market.

By visiting interested parties can easily and quickly find all the information they need to do business in the country from the Greek Point of of Single Contact portal.

In particular, they can find out about:

  • the relevant procedures,
  • the competent bodies,
  • the cost of handling the procedure,
  • the relevant existing legislation and
  • the European Directive 2006/123/ EC regarding services in the internal market.

On the EUGO portal, all information is posted in Greek and English and will be constantly updated through interfacing with the Information System of the ‘National Registry of Public services – Mitos’. In addition, interested parties will be able to submit their request for services online. To date, 334 services in the Greek language and 314 services in the English language are already available through the portal.

It should be noted that the new EUGO portal interoperates with the ‘Notify Business’ Information System of the General Secretariat for Industry, Ministry of Development and Investments, which includes and serves procedures related to notifications about the start of operations and the implementation of activities. The Greek Point of Single Contact Portal will be constantly upgraded and in the near future will provide for the fully online submission of applications and their forwarding for all procedures that fall within the scope of the European Directive regarding services in the internal market.

EUGO was designed and implemented by the General Secretariat for Digital Governance and Process Simplification within the framework of the Interoperable Europe programme of the European Commission in collaboration with the National Infrastructures for Research and technology (EDYTE SA - GRNET)., με πληροφορίες από Ministry of Digital Governance,