Project Officer, European Research Executive Agency

Eleftheria Lykoyresi studied in Paris-X Nanterre University, Translation (Maitrise de Langues Étrangères Appliquées, Mention Affaires et Commerce) and Law (Maitrise en Droit, Mention Droit Privé Général). She has a Masters’ Degree (DESS Juriste d’Affaires européen) in EU Law. She has worked as a Lawyer in Athens (in the private sector) for 4 years. She did her internship in the Legal Service of the Council of the EU back in 2003.
Since 2007 she is based in Brussels, Belgium and working in the EU Institutions (European Commission, DG ENV (March-September 2007) then DG MARE (November 2007 until November 2010), European Parliament (February-April 2011). She has been working for the Research Executive Agency since May 2011.