09:00-09:30 |
Introduction / Welcome
Dr Dimitris Plexousakis, Chairman, Scientific Council of EKT
Dr Ed Simons, President of euroCRIS |
09:30-11:40 |
National Session 1
Chair: Michele Mennielli
EKT’s roadmap on research information management in Greece
Nikolaos Karampekios, National Documentation Centre (EKT)
Implementation and operation of Greek CRIS ecosystem
Vasilis Bonis, National Documentation Centre (EKT)
Migrating data to CRIS: Method, Issues and Challenges. Georgios Santipantakis, Antonis Kukurikos, George Vouros
Georgios Santipantakis, University of Piraeus
10:45-11:15 |
Coffee break |
11:15-11:40 |
Implementation of the Greek CRIS and how did we get there
Grigoris Kotsikaris, Chairman of the Board, Iknowhow SA
11:40-13:00 |
Thematic Session 1
Chair: Anna Clements |
KEYNOTE: Research Information Infrastructures and research management: the view of EARMA
Prof. John Donovan, President of EARMA, the European Association of Research Managers
13:00-14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00-16:45 |
Thematic Session 1 (continued)
Chair: Elly Dijk |
euroCRIS Business Session with presentation of the new euroCRIS Board for the period 2017-2018
The euroCRIS Board
Presentation of the new CERIF-XML
Jan Dvorak, Andrea Bollini, euroCRIS CERIF Taks Group
First application of the new CERIF-XML: the P-O-P project in the Netherlands
Tim Smit, SURF, The Netherlands
15:30-16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00-16:45 |
Thematic Session 1 (continued)
Chair: Valerie Brasse |
Ways forward with CERIF: discussion with the audience and CRIS- developers on conditions and best practices to promote, assure and accelerate the implementation of CERIF
With an Introduction by João Moreiro, FCT, National Foundation for
Science and Technology, Portugal
16:45-17:30 |
CRIS Developers and Sponsors session |
20:00 |
Meeting’s Dinner at Aegli Zappiou, Zappion Garden, 10557 Athens |
Ολόκληρο τo βίντεο της 1ης ημέρας |