The Hellenic section of Euroscience is organising a scientific photography competition for children aged 8-15. The major subjects in this competition will be Natural Processes, the Scientific Experiment and the history of Learning and Science Instruments.
The children will be divided into two groups (8-11 and 12-15 years of age) and may participate either individually, in groups or as schools. The deadline for the submission of photographs is the 30th of September, 2005. The prizes are expected to be awarded in November 2005 and will bear the European mark 'Netd@ys 2004 - 2005'.
The Hellenic section of Euroscience is a non-profit society for the promotion of science and technology and the drafting of national research policies. It is a member of the European organisation for the promotion of science, of the same name.
As part of its activities, aimed at supporting the European perspective on research, and promoting international co-operations, the Hellenic section participates in national and international conferences, the Youth Excellence network and the Science Cafe initiative.
Furthermore, the Hellenic section has instituted the Publishers' Award for publishing houses which promote scientific knowledge and arts in Greece, and it has also formed thematic work groups and scientific training programmes. The section's activities are implemented in co-operation with universities, research foundations and international organisations in the field of research.