Βασικοί Δείκτες Έρευνας & Ανάπτυξης για δαπάνες και προσωπικό το 2013 στην Ελλάδα


The National Documentation Centre published in March 2014 the final data of the main R&D Expenditure and Personnel indicators for reference year 2013. The complete set of more detailed data broken down type of expenditure, type of R&D personnel, educational level, sex, region, field of science, etc. will be made available in June 2015 (Commission Regulation 995/2012).


In 2013 Greece spent EUR 1,465.7 million in R&D activities. R&D expenditure increased by EUR 128.1 million compared to 2012 and by EUR 74.5 million compared to 2011. Overall R&D spending increased in all R&D sectors. Among the main factors that account for the 'R&D intensity' (R&D Expenditure as % GDP) increase from 0.69% in 2012 to 0.80% in 2013 are the increased businesses' own-funded R&D, the substantial increase of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSFR) funds and on the other hand the GDP drop in 2013.

As for personnel participating in R&D, there was an increase of the total R&D personnel (in full-time equivalents (FTEs)) across all R&D sectors. Total R&D personnel in Greece in 2013 reached 42,029.9 FTEs, an increase of 12.5% in comparison with 2012 and 13.9% compared with 2011. The increase in the Researchers' FTEs is even bigger with 29,054.7 FTEs in 2013. This accounts for an increase of 17.2% in comparison with 2012 and 17.8% in comparison with 2011.

More detailed information is available in the online publication 'Research & Development Expenditure and Personnel in Greece in 2013 - Main Indicators' here: http://metrics.ekt.gr/en/node/187.