The National Documentation Centre (EKT) was awarded with the Best Practice Award 2013 during the annual conference organised by the Enterprise Europe Network, in Vilnius, Lithuania, on the 16th of October. The award refers to the successful cooperation between the Greek Network and the newly established Albanian Enterprise Europe Network. In July 2012, Greek partner EKT and Turkish partner Ege University Science and Technology Centre, were appointed mentors of the Albanian partners, which had just joined the Network. The mentorship turned soon into successful cooperation.
First of all, concerned Network partners agreed on a common action plan to address the newcomers' priorities and needs, appropriate performance targets and training essentials. In this context, EKT identified the 'Girokaster Trade Fair' as an excellent opportunity to organise bi-lateral b2b meetings. As a result, eight Partnership Agreements were signed between Greek and Albanian companies.
Existing business interests prompted a mentoring scheme with Albania. EKT together with Ege University Science and Technology Centre could efficiently transfer their know-how to their Albanian colleagues, thus increasing the business opportunities companies from the three countries.