The project TOWARDS (Transition of the networks of the food sector from the producer to the market) is heading towards successful completion. The project aims to support the networks of the agricultural and food products sector (unions, co-operatives, groups of growers, etc), in order to make a transition from the local producer level to the market and the final consumer, via the application of specialised evaluation tools and the exchange of experience and best practices with other networks and unions at a pan-European level. Participating in the project, which was co-funded by the 6th Framework Programme for EU research, were the Management and Development Corporation of Technological Park of Thessaloniki SA (TTP/MDC SA) as well as the University Departments and Centres for the support of innovation and entrepreneurship from six other European countries (Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic).
Within the framework of the project there was an attempt to interconnect 36 networks of the agricultural and food products sector (18 traditional and 18 innovative types of operation) from the countries involved. More specifically, through the migration toolkit package (which was developed with methodological guidance within the framework of the project), the diagnosis of the manner of operation of the traditional networks was realised, the ?problematic areas? were detected and actions of adopting customer-centred practices and strategies for their materialisation were proposed. At the same time, best practices were recorded in the innovative networks with the aim of their transport and adjustment to other similar networks. Concerning Greek participation, the traditional type of network operation which took place in the project involved the women's agro-tourism co-operatives of Gerakariou/Agias ?The Heiropieto? and Gonnon/Larisa ?Antigonides? as well as the HAC of Poligiros Halkidiki. Networks of innovative types of operation were represented by the agricultural co-operative of Zagora, the growers' network 'Gardenia Growers Group? and the ?Bioagros? Network of Biological Products.
In addition to the above-mentioned actions, the TTP MDC SA was responsible for the creation and management of the project?s networking internet tool. This tool constitutes an interactive virtual meeting place for all the parties involved in creating value in the sector of agricultural and food products (networks and businesses of the sector, advisors, technology transfer organisations, research and education institutes, regional authorities, decision making centres, etc). The platform includes information related to the sector, the network, and specialised advisors from the countries which are involved in the project as well as all the publishable deliverables of the project (best practices, tools that have been developed, e-newsletters, etc).
For more information interested parties can visit the internet site of the TOWARDS project, or contact Management and Development Corporation of Technological Park of Thessaloniki SA, Mrs Katerina Papadopoulou, tel: 002310 498206, e-mail: kpap@thestep.gr