The new web portal of the Hellenic Copyright Organisation (OPI) is now complete and accessible at www.opi.gr. It offers visitors several interactive services related to OPI areas of competency. This project was realized within the scope of the Operational Programme ?Information Society? (3rd Community Framework).
The Hellenic Copyright Organisation (OPI) is a legal entity under private law and is monitored by the Ministry for Culture. The main aims of OPI are to protect artists and holders of related rights; to ensure the application of relevant laws and international contracts; to monitor collective management organizations and legal work on issues related to intellectual property and related rights.
Within its scope of competency, OPI generally deals with problems that arise in the sector of intellectual property and related rights, and represents Greece at the international organizations and EU institutions. OPI also organizes seminars aimed at educating and informing interested parties on intellectual property issues and related rights and provides information on these issues.
Several OPI services are provided through the organisation?s web portal. Visitors can find answers to commonly asked questions related to intellectual property issues. They can also search for the relevant legislation, case law and articles in the Electronic Archive, read the bi-monthly newsletter (e-newsletter), inform themselves on OPI activity, and submit their complaints or requests to the organisation by filling in the corresponding forms.
Furthermore, the portal offers forums on issues of intellectual property. Registration with one of the special mailing lists is available to journalists and deals with legal intellectual property issues. There are also search engines both within the contents of the website and in the electronic archive.
The OPI web portal aims to provide an interactive tool for interested parties on issues of intellectual property, as well as a space for open discussion and consultation. It provides visitors access to a great deal of material and useful information and facilitates two-way communication with the organisation.