Greek SMEs are encouraged to utilise the services provided by the Enterprise Europe Network?Hellas to reinforce their competitiveness and innovation. This was among the conclusions of the official presentation of the new Network that took place on 19 December 2008, in Athens, and attracted more than 150 representatives of enterprises and organisations.
The event, which was realised in co-operation with the representation of the European Commission in Greece, within the framework of the Money Show 2008, was addressed by Ioannis Patiris, General Director of the Directorate of Support for Industry of the General Secretariat for Industry, representing the General Director of Industry, Meletis Tsaferis, and Panagiotis Hajinikolaou ? Head of the Directorate of Planning and Programming of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology, by bringing a message from the General Secretary of Research and Technology, Philipos Tsalidis.
Mr Patiris gave special emphasis to the excellent scientific dynamic and the infrastructures of the partners of the Greek co-operative which constitute the Enterprise Europe Network ? Hellas, noting that the Ministry of Development is assisting the project aiming to support SMEs. Mr Hadjinikolaou emphasised the importance of the Enterprise Europe Network - Hellas as a network where, for the first time, the dimension of the periphery and of innovation are combined into a unified service centre, to the biggest centre of complete enterprise support which covers the entire Greek countryside.
Antonis Fisekidis, representative of the General Directorate ?Enterprises and Industry? of the European Commission, presented the European Union Policy for SMEs and the role of the Enterprise Europe Network. He noted that SMEs are the backbone of the European Economy because they produce 58% of GNP and offer 75 million jobs.
Then reference was made to the initiative, the Small Business Act for Europe (SBA), which was announced last June, based on which SMEs are offered for the complete duration of their life cycle, promoting at the same time a totality of basic principles: reinforcement of entrepreneurship for Small enterprises, second chance in case of bankruptcy, 'Think Small First' with an estimation of the impact of every new regulation, response of Public Administration to the requirements of the SMEs, reinforcement of the participation of SMEs in public competitions and evaluation of the possibilities of state reinforcement, better access to funding, exploitation of the possibilities provided by the Common Market, development of new skills and all forms of innovation, eco-innovation for combating environmental hazards and facilitation of access of SMEs to markets in Non-Member States.
Referring to the Enterprise Europe Network, A. Fisekidis emphasised that its role is to be established as the pan-European platform for reinforcement of SMEs, based on the strong peripheral dimension (totalling 554 members) as much as the long-term experience in supporting SMEs which its members have, such as previous Innovation Relay Centres and European Information Centres. More specifically, the Enterprise Europe Network can assist the SMEs by guiding their entrance to new markets and the utilisation of the Common Market by reinforcing their ability to innovate, facilitating access to Community legislation and funding, transferring their opinions on future communal legislative initiatives within the framework of public consultation by enforcing the transfer of knowledge and technology via co-operation.
Argiro Karahaliou, representative of the National Documentation Centre (EKT) ? co-ordinator of the project, presented in detail the Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas and its services. In the aims of the network, she emphasised the reinforcement of entrepreneurship of Greek enterprises, the support of developing peripheries, the promotion and support of innovation in SMEs in research and academic bodies, the connection between research and industry, as well as the reinforcement of enterprises? technological, economic and political co-operations at a European level.
These aims will be achieved through a series of services such as: information, international entrepreneurial co-operation, consultation for transfer of innovation, technology and know-how, as well as support for the participation of SMEs in the research programmes of the EU covering all sectors of entrepreneurial activity.
Enterprise Europe Network-Hellas consists of 16 organisations, namely industrial links, research and technological institutions, commercial and industrial chambers and well-established bodies in the area of innovation and SMEs.
The consortium partners are the following: National Centre of Documentation (EKT), Association of Industries in Thessaly and Central Greece, Athens Chamber of Small and Medium Sized Industries, Ceramics and Refractories Technological Development Company, Chamber of Arkadia, Chamber of Ioannina, Chamber of Kavala, Clothing Textile and Fiber Technological Development, Federation of Greek Industries, Federation of Industries of Northern Greece, Food Industrial Research and Technological Development Company SA, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, EOMMEX: Hellenic Organization of Small Medium Sized Enterprises and Handicraft SA, Chamber of Commerce Heraklion, Metallurgical Industrial Research and Technological Development Centre SA, Regional Development Agency of West Macedonia SA.
The event ended with a presentation of success stories between Greek and foreign SMEs achieved through the aid of the network, but also with a presentation of proposals for the future. The examples were presented by representatives of the European Network from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Cyprus and Turkey.
The Enterprise Europe Network in figures:
- Initiative of the General Directorate of Enterprises and Industry of the European Commission - main tool of the Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation (CIP 2007-2013)
- Start: 1/1/2008 with horizon beyond 2013
- Previous Euro Info Centres + previous Innovation Relay Centres + 130 new organisations
- 70 co-operations, in total 554 organisations (Commercial and Industrial chambers, organisations for transfer of Technology and Innovation, Developing Companies, Technological Parks, etc.)
- 44 countries (EU27, Candidate Countries, Non-member states)
- 30-35,000 technological audits per year
- Approximately 4,000 events per year for SMEs
- Approximately 3,000 experienced officers in service provision for supporting SMEs
- 320 million euros EC contribution
More information about the Enterprise Europe Network ? Hellas is available on the internet site www.enterprise-hellas.gr.