Dr Marios Demetriades is the Director of the Research and Innovation Support Service of the University of Cyprus and he is also in parallel appointment as the Executive Director of the European Office of Cyprus.
He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Birmingham, UK, with his thesis focusing on Economics and Policies of Science, Research, Innovation and Economic Growth and specifically analysis of scientific productivity, funding allocation efficiency and related policy assessment both empirically and theoretically. He is the main author and project coordinator of the €7,4 million H2020-MSCA COFUND project “ONISILOS”, the €2,5 million H2020-ERA Chairs project “SInnoPSis” and the €2 million H2020-SwafS project “YUFERING”.
He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) of the Project Management Institute of USA and he has extensive research project management experience (>15 years, >200 research projects). He has served the European Commission several times as an external expert and he was appointed both in 2017 and 2019 to carry out the EU Joint Research Centre Research and Innovation Observatory reports for Cyprus.