The National Documentation Centre, together with seven research projects in the building energy efficiency field funded under the EU commission research topic "Reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint by smart and sustainable use", are co-organizing a Research & Innovation Workshop in the area of Building Energy Efficiency. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, June 19th 2018 (09.00-17.00) at the National Hellenic Research Foundation (L. Zervas amphitheater, Vas. Konstantinou 48 Athens 11635).
During the workshop, apart from networking and knowledge sharing sessions and roundtables, the consortia will have the chance to present and share their project findings on behavioral change aiming towards energy efficiency, discuss and propose innovative business models to stimulate and sustain energy efficiency, as well as exchange views on future opportunities in the upcoming research and innovation call for proposals in the context of the Horizon 2020 framework.
The workshop is an official "Energy Day", part of the Sustainable Energy Week initiative of the European Commission of activities and events, which promote clean energy transition.
In order to participate to the event, registration is necessary.