Antonis Stasis is Director General of Digital Governance in the Ministry of Digital Governance. He the holds a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering. In addition, he has two Master’s degrees a) in Public Administration and b) in Economics and Administration. He had been the head of Departments and Directorates in the Ministries of Administrative Reconstruction and Digital Governance with responsibilities in Digital Transformation and Electronic Government, Public Administration systems support, Electronic Identification, Interoperability. He is certified by the PM2 Alliance Organization at the Advanced level for PM2 Methodology, by Microsoft in Azure Fundamental, among others.
Important actions that he has coordinated are: the Electronic Invoicing in Public Contracts, the E-Government Service Provision Framework, the Citizen’s information system, Transparency, the Human Resources Registry, the National Portal for the Codification and Reform of Greek Legislation "Raptarchis", the network "Syzefxis", the Hellenic Public Administration Root Certification Authority for digital signatures, open data and Data Governance. At the same time, recently he has been involved in the Greek network of European hubs for digital innovation and digital skills.
He has worked on Technical Assistance actions provided by DG Reform of the European Commission.
He has many years of educational experience at the National School of Public Administration and Local-Government, while he holds a degree in Technological Education. He has over 28 Publications in international scientific journals and conferences. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonios-Stasis).