Anaxagoras Fotopoulos is currently a Research & Innovation Manager at EXUS. A.F. has raised in total, more than €5 million for his organizations and more than €33 million for international consortia from 17 won proposals (as a coordinator and as a partner) in highly competitive European Research & Innovation calls. A.F. has served as coordinator of 3 quite complex health projects like H2020 STAMINA (a €12 million budget project for pandemics of 21 different Technical Solutions - including diagnostic devices - from 37 International Partners in a high intensity schedule of 30 Months), H2020 WELMO (a project for a Wearable Lung Monitoring Diagnostic Device based on Electrical Impedance Tomography) and the recently-started HE ONCOSCREEN (a €13 million budget project of 39 International Partners with 4000+ clinical trial subjects in 12 countries to test innovative colorectal cancer diagnostics). Furthermore, in EXUS he has served Project Manager in 3 more projects (H2020 IN-PREP, H2020 INGENIOUS, H2020 CURSOR). Since 2019, A.F. has contributed in wining 9 H2020/HE Projects for EXUS (ONCOSCREEN-Coordination, S4ALLCITIES-Coordination, STAMINA-Coordination, REALM, NIGHTINGALE, CODE: REFARM, MUSEIT, ALCHIMIA, ONCODIR).
Furthermore, A.F. has undertaken various roles as Exploitation Manager, Quality Manager, Dissemination & Communication Manager and Technical Manager in various projects. He holds a M.Sc. in “Information Technologies in Medicine and Biology” with specialisation in Bioinformatics; with honours and scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation and a B.Sc. in “Electronic Computing Systems Engineering”. A.F. has been awarded 11 times in national & international competitions. In the past he has created multiple mobile applications with his team that have been downloaded in more than 1.6 million devices. Additionally, he is well certified with 17 Technical certifications in IT (including: MSCE, MCSA, MCTS, MS, MSOMS, MSOE & MSOS). In February 2017 and until June 2019 he worked in ERFC as a Project Manager winning 8 Projects (1 H2020, 4 Erasmus+, 1 ENPI CBC MED, 1 Hellenic Green Fund and EIT Climate KIC) and managing 6 projects (Interreg YESS, Erasmus+ AUDID, Interreg TRAP, Interreg SYMBIOSIS, Interreg PASSAGE, Hellenic Green Fund e-CLIMA). A.F. was integral member of the Ingred.io Start-up that won 4 Start-up prizes and has been part of “Egg” incubator. At last, for his voluntary offer in the creation of two Student NGOs (Erasmus Student Network & IEEE Student Branch) and various scientific & cultural events, he has received 2 honorary plaques.