Annual Report 2020 & 2021

Annual Report 2020 & 2021


For most of 2020 & 2021, the activities of the National Documentation Centre (EKT) were carried out under the unprecedented conditions created due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the forced increase in the use of digital technologies in our internal operation and in the provision of services.

In the broader context, this two-year period proved to be a catalyst for the advancement of digital transformation in Research, Development and Innovation activities, areas which are also included in our sphere of activity, and had wider implications for the design and implementation of our major development projects.

At EKT, an organisation with institutional memory and history, we know and understand the numerous dimensions, opportunities and difficulties involved in the continuous process of digital transformation of organisations and businesses. EKT’s own digital transformation has taken centre stage and contributed to the ongoing work of digital documentation and curation of the digital content and metadata we gather from the extensive network of science and culture stakeholders, with our main goals being dissemination of knowledge, access to scientific knowledge for all citizens and its further exploitation.


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