National Documentation Centre’s Gender Equality Plan is a practical commitment to the principles of gender equality and ensures that we (will) continue to work actively to integrate these principles into our activities and to promote ensuring equal opportunities between women and men.
This Gender Equality Plan is based and developed on the basis of five thematic areas - priority axes, following the guidelines of the European Institute for Gender Equality. These constitute EKT’s practical commitment to the principles of gender equality and are the following:
- Priority axis 1: Work-life balance and organizational culture
- Priority axis 2: Gender balance in leadership and decision-making
- Priority axis 3: Gender equality in recruitment and career progression
- Priority axis 4: Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content
- Priority axis 5: Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment
Thus, it is ensured that EKT (will) continue to work actively to integrate these principles into its activities under the guidance of the Gender Equality Officer.
Given that the Gender Equality Plan is an institutional statement by ΕΚΤ on gender equality in its day-to-day operations and outlines the objectives and actions for maintaining or enhancing these gender equality policies, monitoring its implementation as well as its periodic review is an important dimension that ensures that the process of achieving gender equality is time consuming. The assessment of the need for revision - modification is carried out on a biennial basis.