On 28-29 March 2019, all parties involved in the enCOMPASS project visited Thessaloniki and Athens, where the scheduled plenary sessions of the project were held. “enCOMPASS", funded by Horizon 2020, aims to enhance public awareness on energy saving issues, through the development of innovative and user-friendly digital tools. Greece is represented in the project consortium by the National Documentation Centre (EKT/NHRF), the Information Technologies Institute, Centre for Research & Technology-Hellas (CERTH) and Watt & Volt company. The enCOMPASS project is due for completion at the end of 2019, which means that every plenary meeting is of great importance in order to smooth out all details of the project.
On the first day, the partners visited IEK Delta and Watt & Volt retail shop, in Thessaloniki. A visit to CERTH followed, where a plenary session and technical discussion was held. The second day included visits to the headquarters of Watt & Volt in Marousi, Athens and the National Documentation Centre at the National Hellenic Research Foundation. Representatives of the project consortium were guided by staff members to the library and the premises of EKT/NHRF, where they were able to see the pilot digital app for energy saving, and the platform data delivery system.
The enCOMPASS consortium is consisted of the following institutions: Politecnico di Milano (PMI) co-ordinator – Italy, European Institute for Participatory Media (EIPCM) – Germany, Stadtwerke Haβfurt GmbH (SHF) – Germany, Centre for research & Technology –Hellas (CERTH) – Greece, Naturschutzbund (NABU) - Germany, Watt & Volt (WVT) - Greece, Societa Elettrica Sopracenerina (SES) – Switzerland, National Documentation Centre - Greece, Scuola Universitaria Profesionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI) – Switzerland, Set Mobile S.R.L (SMOB) – Romania, Kaleidos Games (KAL) – Italy, Kaunas Univeristy of Technology, Social Responsibility Research Centre (KTU) – Lithuania, Paradox AG (PDX) – Switzerland, Gravity R&D Zrt (GRA) – Hungary.
The National Documentation Centre (EKT) supports the development and expanded use of the enCOMPASS application. In addition, it will promote the results of the pilot app by carrying out information activities (events, publications and electronic communications) and promote awareness of energy consumption in the general government sector in Greece through the publication of enCOMPASS results.