Where and When

The National Documentation Centre, National Contact Point (NCP) for the Programme Horizon 2020 (H2020) and member of the Enterprise “Europe Network-Hellas, together with the Hellenic Pasteur Institute (H2020 NCP), are organising a workshop entitled “Funding Opportunities of the EU Programme for Research & Innovation – Horizon 2020 – in the eHealth sector”
The workshop will take place on Wednesday 26 October 2016 (12:00 - 15:00) in Athens at the Megaron Athens International Conference Centre during the eHealth Forum 2016.
During the workshop the Greek National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 1 “Health Demographic Change & Wellbeing”, together with evaluators and successful applicants in eHealth projects funded through the Horizon 2020 will provide information on funding opportunities as well as useful tips on how to submit a successful proposal to Horizon 2020 in the eHealth sector.
National Documentation Centre
Cristina Pascual
tel.: 210 7273 920, email: cpascual@ekt.gr