The National Documentation Centre (EKT), as the National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System for European Statistics on Research, Development and Innovation, will participate in the peer review of the Hellenic Statistical System (ELSS), which will take place on 19-21 October 2022 in Athens (ELSTAT).
The aim of the peer review is to assess the compliance of the National Statistical System of Greece with the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice. Statistical authorities in all the other EU Member States and EFTA countries, as well as Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union) are also subject to peer reviews scheduled to take place from June 2021 to the end of June 2023.
The peer reviews are conducted by teams of independent experts following a common methodology. The process includes the completion of a self-assessment questionnaire by the statistical authorities, followed by a 4-5 day visit of the experts, who provide a final report.
In addition to assessing the compliance of the authorities with the European Statistics Code of Practice, the peer review reports put forward future-oriented recommendations to further improve and develop the performance of national statistical systems and Eurostat. At the same time, they should stimulate government authorities to support the implementation of these recommendations.
Each National Statistical Institute, and Eurostat, then develops an action plan for addressing the peer review recommendations. Both the final reports and the accompanying action plans are being published on Eurostat’s website.
What is the European Statistical System (ESS)?
The European Statistical System is the partnership between Eurostat (the statistical office of the European Union) and the national statistical authorities in the EU Member States and EFTA countries. The national statistical authorities collect data and compile statistics for national and EU purposes.
The ESS functions as a network in which Eurostat‘s role is to lead the way in the harmonisation of statistics in close cooperation with the national statistical authorities. ESS work concentrates mainly on EU policy areas - but, with the extension of EU policies, harmonisation has been extended to nearly all statistical fields.
The ESS cooperates with other Commission services, agencies and the European Central Bank, the enlargement countries and countries covered by the European neighbourhood policy, as well as with international organisations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Who needs high-quality statistics?
High-quality statistics are necessary for: governments and policy makers for policies, based on sound data, for researchers, academia, journalists for articles that reflect reality, for businesses for fact-based investments and decisions, for citizens to shape their opinions on the basis of facts.
EKT’s role as National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System
The production of reliable statistics and indicators for Greek research, development and innovation activities is a key pillar of the National Documentation Center (EKT) and a strategic priority.
EKT as National Authority of the Hellenic Statistical System (ELSS), produces the European Research & Development and Innovation statistics for Greece, conducting large surveys on an annual basis, applying European Statistics Code of Practice and the Greek Statistical Law N 3832 /2010 and following strict methodological frameworks as well as the relevant European Regulations.
EKT also produces national statistics covering important aspects of the science, innovation and digital economy system, responding to the needs of its users. Policy makers are among the main users of EKT statistics. As a mechanism for monitoring public policies, the exercise and evaluation of policies in a neutral, systematic and reliable way is strengthened.
With significant activity in the production of new ‘experimental’ statistics in areas of high interest, EKT is expanding statistical research in critical areas of its institutional role, collecting new data and producing indicators that monitor the international statistical agenda, applied policies, and support for the design of targeted initiatives.
The indicators & statistics for Research, Development, Innovation are published in printed and electronic publications, available on the http://metrics.ekt.gr website.